
Where To Find Excalibur In Final Fantasy Pixel Remaster

Final Fantasy has always had a tradition of including legendary and mythical weapons in its games, usually as the most powerful and rarest weapons you can get. Examples include the Gae Bolg spear from Celtic folklore and many weapons named after Greek gods, such as Zeus and Artemis.

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The Excalibur, however, is likely the most iconic legendary weapon to appear many times in the Final Fantasy franchise and its origin dates back to the very first title. It's a very easy sidequest to miss, however, as it requires picking up an item in one dungeon and transporting it to a completely unrelated location that you won't have visited for hours.

There are only two steps to creating the Excalibur — finding the material required to make it, and then taking that material to a suitable smith.

Finding Material For The Excalibur

The material that you need for the Excalibur is called Adamantite. This is a legendary metal and where better to find a legendary metal than the Flying Fortress, sent up into the air in ages past. Once you have acquired the Chime from Lufenia and the Warp Cube from the Waterfall Cave, you can use a teleporter in the Mirage Tower to access the Flying Fortress.

On the second floor, which resembles a clockface somewhat, head to the lower-left branch and enter the room. This is where you find the Adamantite. Now all that's left is finding a smith.

Finding A Smith To Make The Excalibur

The smith you need to make the Excalibur is in Mount Duregar. This is the mountain cave that you needed to enter to hand over the Nitro to the Dwarves so they'd blow up the land and allow your ship access to the rest of the world.

Head back there and enter the smith's quarters at the north of the room. Simply talking to the smith will get you the Excalibur.

The Excalibur

This weapon is probably the best sword in the entire game. One drawback is that it is entirely exclusive to the Knight, the upgraded version of the Warrior.

While it has less power than the Masamune (the ultimate blade that every class can wield), the Excalibur has a unique quality where it counts as every element in the game and deals super-effective damage to all enemy types. This means that in practice, the Excalibur will always deal more damage — so it's a better idea to give your Masamune to a different party member if you have a Knight.

Next: Final Fantasy Pixel Remaster: How To Get The Hidden Game Achievement

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