Xbox Series S “Will Not Limit the Potential” of Next-Gen Games – Vigor Dev

xbox series s

Microsoft’s dual-console approach to next-gen one is an exciting one for consumers, seeing as it allows people to jump into next-gen with a console that costs just $299. That, of course, has come with some sacrifices, with the Xbox Series S being significantly weaker than the Xbox Series X, especially in terms of its RAM and GPU. And while there are many in the industry who have pointed out those issues and the problems they could lead to in the future, there are others who are more optimistic about the console.

Speaking in a recent interview with GamingBolt, Bohemia Interactive’s Petr Kolář and David Kolečkář – project leads on the online loot shooter Vigor – said that owing to the fact that the Xbox Series S’ CPU is roughly on par with the Series X’s processor, by and large the console won’t hold back next-gen and should be able to run all games, albeit on lower resolutions.

“The important thing is that the CPU hasn´t been downgraded, so the Series S will not limit the potential scope or features of games,” the developers said. “The Series S shouldn’t have any issues with the same games on lower resolutions. Maybe some adjusted graphic effects.”

As far as Microsoft are concerned, they seem very confident about the Xbox Series S’ prospects, with Xbox boss Phil Spencer even saying that Microsoft expects it to outsell the Xbox Series X in the long-term. Both next-gen Xbox consoles are launching globally on November 10, so we’ll be seeing at least what kind of a start they got off to very soon.

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