
The Best Stardew Valley Fan Art | Game Rant

Stardew Valley took the gaming world by the storm when it was first released. The game became the blueprint for a plethora of other similar titles that seek to create a relaxing atmosphere for farming sessions, a little combat, and romance as well. There are just too many things to do and people to meet in the game for it not to have a certain allure that makes returning to it both satisfying and rewarding. As a result, the artistic Stardew Valley fans have created a myriad of fan art pieces. The most common are depictions of various characters, but the cute animals are also fan favorites, ultimately leading to art being produced for almost anything in the game.

There is a sheer amount of fan art to be found for Stardew Valley online, ranging from DeviantArt to Tumblr, from ArtStation to Pinterest, and some artists also shared their work on Reddit for feedback from the gaming community. Stardew Valley is halfway through its sixth year since release, and it is still sparking conversations about which bachelors or bachelorettes are the best to marry and why, which in turn warrants more community creations to immortalize these characters.

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Reddit user melonpalace shared on the platform their artwork of Robin, the town's carpenter running her own store, the Carpenter's Shop. To the dismay of many fans, Robin is married to Demetrius, and as such, she is not available for romance in Stardew Valley. However, she has a daughter, Maru, and a son by the name of Sebastian. The former is one of the town's bachelorettes, and the latter is one of the bachelors.

A Redditor by the name of Boombza posted their album of fan art for all the bachelorettes in the game, except for Leah, who is missing because Boombza chose to have two Penny artworks instead. The style is realistic and yet cartoony, providing the bachelorettes with more details than their pixelated counterparts.

Abigail is arguably one of the most beloved characters in Stardew Valley, both because of memes involving her quartz-eating habits and because she is very unique and generally likable. Redditor chuckmp shared their fan art of Abigail, portraying the bachelorette in a way that highlights her personality and what she is like. This playful version of Abigail is one of the best art pieces of her, as many players pointed out.

Reddit user CrocodileQueen shared their animated art portraying their character and her cat by the fire, as the stars start filling up the sky. The shadows and the perspective in the gif make it a great addition to the Stardew Valley fan art collection, and the animation just works wonders to make the landscape feel alive.

Nillerus shared on Reddit their take on the poster seen behind Pierre in his shop, and while an unusual piece of art, this more realistic version of the poster makes the original even more immersive. The poster drawn by Nillerus has a vintage allure that perfectly fits the pixel world of Stardew Valley.

Having 1000 into a single game is a huge achievement that shows dedication, and a Reddit user called munkymu decided to up on that by also making an amazing artwork of their farm in Stardew Valley. The drawing has fall vibes and even features a witch flying on her broom in the distance, and a cute chicken taking a nap on top of a cow.

Stardew Valley is available for Mobile, PC, PS4, Switch, and Xbox One.

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