
Battlefield 2042 revealed in new trailer

DICE EA Battlefield 2042

DICE has once again surprised us with one of its games, this time with the release of the Battlefield 2042 trailer. This new FPS is set in the future and will provide us with the dynamic landscapes we’re used to in the series.

The rumors are finally over! Electronic Arts and DICE have officially announced that the next Battlefield title will be called Battlefield 2042, a name related to the setting of this new sequel. We will no longer be traveling back in time to relive past battles but will instead be engaged in a conflict that will take place in the not-too-distant future.

A new Battlefield very different from the last two

The announcement comes with the first official details and a trailer, which reveal that the setting will transport us to a transformed world. The United States and Russia are on the verge of war after a series of wars that have lasted decades and produced a large number of combat veterans. Without going any further, these professionals must do all in their power to assure a bright future.

The game is based on a new system of specialists, with 10 distinct classes to pick from. As a result, players must pick their role in combat, each with their own set of advantages and a customizable team, as well as join squadrons to aid them in their victory.

Goodbye single-player campaign

There will be no story mode in the upcoming Battlefield 2042. Only the multiplayer mode – which has always been one of the series’ strong qualities – will be accessible. DICE announced last year that their objective was to build epic fights with never-before-seen accuracy.

As a consequence, we’ll get seven gigantic maps with a total capacity of 128 players (64 players on PS4 and Xbox One) based in Seoul, Egypt, and other renowned places of the world.

We will be able to call robotic dogs, use a hook to rapidly go from one spot to another, and soar through the air with a suit during combat. Players will also deal with atmospheric phenomena such as tornadoes, tsunamis, and other natural calamities, forcing the parties to cope with them.

Release date and pre-orders

Finally, it has been confirmed that Battlefield 2042 will be released on October 22, 2021 for the PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, and PC. An open beta will take place prior to the game’s release.

Pre-orders are open now on PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, and PC. The game retails for $59.99 on last-gen and PC. Meanwhile, it’s $69.99 on next-gen consoles.

My Take

It was time to put the rumors to rest and find out when one of the most ambitious Battlefield games will arrive. It’s too bad it won’t have a single-player story, but the multi-player sounds epic with 128 players.

In the clip below, we can see that DICE and EA have said that we will get a gameplay video on June 13. So we look forward to seeing that in a few days.

Watch the Battlefield 2042 trailer below!

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