
Bittersweet Birthday IndieGoGo crowdfunding campaign goes live

Bittersweet Birthday

Pineapple Works has announced the release window of their new game, Bittersweet Birthday, as well as the launch of their IndieGoGo crowdfunding campaign, which goes live today.

Pineapple Works, a Polish publisher, and World Eater Games have announced the launch of their IndieGoGo campaign for their upcoming release. Bittersweet Birthday is a mystery game that transports you to an unknown location where you have no memory of anything and your only guide is a weird voice from nowhere.

An adventure with a moody atmosphere

The new game will provide players with intriguing dialogue, exciting combat, and a dark environment that will take them on an action-packed adventure.

In Bittersweet Birthday, you will explore a bustling hamlet with friendly inhabitants, with charming pixel-art characters on wonderfully created backdrops, and their interconnecting missions that will lead you to harsh battles. Reading the enemy is the key to success.

Aside from the IndieGoGo crowdfunding effort – which is open to anybody who is interested in the project and wants to work with the developers – there is also a demo of the game available. The demo has over 13k downloads on and Steam and has a rating of 5 stars.

Bittersweet Birthday will be available in late 2022 for the Nintendo Switch and PC. If you want to support the developers, don’t forget they have an IndieGoGo campaign that’s now live.

Watch the Bittersweet Birthday trailer down below!

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