
Call of Duty Warzone Fans Want Solo Change For Rebirth Island

Call of Duty: Warzone fans are never shy about the changes they want to see made to the popular battle royale game. The latest demands regarding Call of Duty: Warzone are for Rebirth Island, with solo players being particularly unhappy with what the game is currently offering.

With Call of Duty: Warzone’s cheating issue, many players have gone to Rebirth Island to escape those that are playing unfairly. While there are certainly cheaters in the smaller map, the number is significantly lower than it is for the main version of Verdansk. This has led many people to enjoy playing in Rebirth’s playlist, though it seems like those who fight on their own are less satisfied than those that play in larger groups.

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The main issue Call of Duty: Warzone players have with Rebirth Island solos is that it is not a proper playlist. While they have a great time in their matches, solo players are constantly at a disadvantage, as their only way to replicate the experience is by queueing up for a duos match without using squad fill. Every fight will then be two on one, but for some players, that tradeoff has been worth it. Others, like Reddit user DefunctHunk, believe a Rebirth Island solo playlist is long overdue.

Rebirth Island Solos should be a thing and it's surprising that it's never happened. from

In the Redditor’s post about the potential solo playlist, a major strength of Rebirth Island is that it is not “infested with cheaters” like Verdansk. The player adds that 40 player solo matches would be ideal, as they would provide a brief 10-minute experience that the game is currently lacking. The player even points out that the mode would be better than Verdansk solos, as it would cut out “the long, boring period” that happens at the midway point of each match. Unsurprisingly, most commenters agreed with the person who started the thread.

Other players did point out that there was a solo playlist a few weeks after Rebirth Island was added, stating that it worked really well. Unfortunately, it was removed, and it has yet to return in the many months since. Considering how often Rebirth Island playlists change, something that has also led to complaints from fans, Raven Software would need to make sure that this hypothetical mode is permanent and becomes a fixture for the free-to-play title. Clearly, the demand for such a mode is there, and making a legitimate solo playlist would be an excellent way to help solo fans avoid Verdansk's many cheaters.

Still, Raven has proven that it is listening to fans via the addition of Call of Duty: Warzone’s new anti-cheat system. As such, while it remains to be seen if this playlist will ever come, there is a chance that Rebirth players could eventually get what they want.

Call of Duty: Warzone is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

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