
Call of Duty: Warzone Update Lets Players Search for Party and More

Call of Duty: Warzone, Activision Blizzard's battle royale, is one of the most popular games in the world. Players of all kinds use Call of Duty: Warzone's party matchmaking system to find teammates to try and claim victory. Which begs the question: why are Warzone's millions of players, in all their diversity and uniqueness, all filtered through the same matchmaking system? That's a question Activision Blizzard wants to answer with a recent exciting update to Call of Duty: Warzone's party finder.

The problem before Activision Blizzard is finding a way for Call of Duty: Warzone players searching for a party to have a more enjoyable experience. After all, not every player's style and approach to playing Call of Duty: Warzone is going to mesh with another's. Not every player looking for a party wants to have a conversation or get super sweaty. That's why Call of Duty: Warzone's latest update allows players to filter their party search so party members are better suited for their teammates.

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The August 25 patch for Call of Duty: Warzone announced the launch of a beta feature called Looking for Party. This feature will allow Call of Duty: Warzone players to select specific preferences before looking for party members, which will then filter out potential teammates who don't match. The promise is that using Looking for Party will enable Call of Duty: Warzone players to have a more enjoyable, and hopefully more successful, experience than before.

For the time being, Activision Blizzard lists three different preferences that players can select or deselect in the Looking for Party feature. First is which Warzone Game Modes players are looking for, which is a simple and important preference for a party. Second, players can choose a communication level, allowing players to choose whether they want a silent or vocal party. Lastly, there's a preference for play-style, allowing players to choose their party's aggressiveness.

It's worth repeating that the Looking for Party feature for Call of Duty: Warzone is a beta test. Activision Blizzard wants to see how the function is used and whether it's successful at improving Warzone players' experiences. It's entirely possible players will prefer not to use it, or only use it for basic functionality like game types. Perhaps players will ultimately decide they like diverse party compositions more than a more catered experience.

Regardless, what's particularly exciting about the new Call of Duty: Warzone Looking for Party feature is that it gives players a choice. Everyone being put into parties through the same system almost feels archaic, when considering it's used by millions of players. Perhaps it'll only be a minority of players who use it, but for that minority it could make a profound impact on their enjoyment of Warzone. Hopefully, other battle royales will be quick to follow suit.

Call of Duty: Warzone is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

MORE: Warzone: How Skill Based Matchmaking Works

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