
Cosplayer Nails Gamora’s Look From Guardians Of The Galaxy

The MCU is chock-full of unique characters with distinct appearances, it's a cosplayer's dream really. This includes a lot of alien and cosmic characters, many of whom were introduced in James Gunn's Guardians of The Galaxymovies.The Guardians certainly boast some of Marvel's most unique characters, including a sentient tree and a talking raccoon. However, one of those members is a green warrior woman named Gamora, and as you can see from this cosplayer, the character remains popular ever since her live-action debut back in 2014.

This impressive costume comes to us from a Russian-based cosplayer who goes by the name Laprankaon Deviant Art and @phlegmocat on Instagram. It's a pretty detailed replication of Gamoras costume from the MCU. It even includes Gamora's trademark sword which she uses to deadly effect in the movies. The cosplayer has also replicated Gamora's facial markings. There's impressive attention to detail here. After all, it takes a long time to paint most of your skin green. Anyone browsing their Deviant Art and Instagram will be treated to other impressive costumes including ones from video games such as Borderlands and BioShock.

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Portrayed by actress Zoe Saldana, Gamora made her live-action debut in the first Guardians of the Galaxy film. Written and directed by Gunn, the film focused on a group of intergalactic misfit criminals who band together to save the galaxy from Ronan The Accuser (Lee Pace). In the film, Gamora is introduced as one of two adopted daughters of Thanos, the Mad Titan who would one day go on to wipe out half of the Marvel universe in Avengers: Infinity War. While she's initially tasked by Thanos to retrieve one of the infinity stones, Gamora chooses to betray her adoptive father, and team up with the other Guardians. Her betrayal is pretty understandable, as Thanos wasn't exactly father of the year. In fact, it's revealed later in Infinity War that Thanos adopted Gamora after he wiped out half of her species (it's kind of his thing). Gamora spent many years serving Thanos, committing atrocities in the name of the Mad Titan until her betrayal in Guardians of the Galaxy.

Saldana is set to reprise the role of Gamora for the third, and apparently final film in The Guardians of the Galaxy franchise. However, her appearance in the next film is probably going to be a little weird. During the events of Avengers: Infinity War Gamora was killed by Thanos, a sacrifice he must make to obtain the Soul Stone. Unlike the many characters who were erased by Thanos during what's often referred to as "The Blip" Gamora was permanently killed. However, due to the many time-traveling shenanigans in Avengers: Endgame, a past version of Gamora is now in the present-day MCU, but this version of Gamora hasn't joined The Guardians of the Galaxy yet.

So that brings us up to speed on Gamora's current state in the MCU. The Guardians of the Galaxy were last seen leaving earth with Thor, and it's implied that they are going after Gamora. So clearly a big part of the third film will have to do with The Guardians tracking down Gamora and trying to reunite with her. It will be interesting to see if they are able to convince this past version of the character to join them, as she is not reallytheir Gamora, and thus does not possess the memories and experiences that the other members f the team have from the first two films. Either way, it's going to be a pretty interesting finale to this trilogy, and it's safe to say the fans are pretty curious to see how Gunn and co. are going to wrap things up.

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3 is currently scheduled for theatrical release on May 5th, 2023.

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Source:@phlegmocat | Instagram

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