
EA wanted to use anti single-player tweet to promote their games

Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order key art
The day EA forgot it made single-player games (pic: EA)

The infamous EA tweet mocking single-player games led to high-level meetings between execs as developers refused to help promote it.

You’ve probably already forgotten the trouble EA got themselves into last week, with their tweet that seemed to be mocking anyone that liked single-player games, but the impact it had on the publisher seems to have been significant.

The original tweet was trying to reuse a TikTok meme where someone is implied to be perfect except for one flaw, in this case the fact that they only played single-player games. Which, managed to both upset and amuse fans across the world.

The response from within EA seems to have been equally mixed, with a new report suggesting that while developers working on single-player games were upset EA’s marketing team immediately tried to turn the faux pas to their advantage.

Leaked details of the company’s internal Slack channel reveals that a plan was concocted by the marketing department to have all their different studios reply to the tweet and publicly mock parent company EA.

The idea was that it would get the tweet shared even more widely and could then be used to highlight some of EA’s upcoming single-player games, thereby turning the tweet into a useful marketing tool.

‘As the negative reactions grew, and more of us began being more assertive, a plan was put together – very haphazardly! – to have other internal studios reply to that tweet,’ said one source speaking to For The Win.

‘They were desperately trying to turn things into a positive. Even people working on multiplayer games didn’t like it.’

Roast well deserved. We’ll take this L cause playing single player games actually makes them an 11.

— Electronic Arts (@EA) July 1, 2022

Some employees pointed out how bad an idea this was, in that it would’ve made it look like even EA’s own developers don’t like them, and it was quietly abandoned in favour of a simple apology.

The same sources also reveal that the EA Twitter account isn’t even managed by anyone at EA, with the implication that the people writing the tweets don’t actually know that much about games, including EA’s frequently antagonistic attitude towards single-player games.

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‘They’re all new and most of them, to my knowledge, aren’t really game industry people. The person who posted that tweet didn’t know and wasn’t supported properly to ensure something like this didn’t happen,’ said one source.

This apparently led to ‘roundtable discussions’ and meetings involving EA executives upset that one of their most important social media accounts seemed to be insulting its own games and developers.

So yeah, all that from a single tweet…

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