
Every Possible Romance In Mass Effect Legendary Edition

The Mass Effect Legendary Edition comprises the Shepard trilogy and over 40 DLC packs that have been remastered for modern audiences, as well as bringing quality of life improvements to the games. Each game offers a range of characters that you can romance depending on the gender of your Commander Shepard, and there are three romance-related achievements/trophies for you to earn.

RELATED: Mass Effect Legendary Edition: Achievement/Trophy Guide

As you progress through the games, more squadmates become available — meaning more romance options. However, some of these romances require you to have put in a little work in a previous title for them to become available. Here's a list of all romanceable squadmates in each game and what you need to do to win them over.

Updated August 30, 2021: We've reformatted this guide for easier readability. We've also added in more information and linked to additional guides where applicable, to ensure that you can continue your planned Romance with some extra help.

Mass Effect

Kaidan Alenko


Squad Mate Availability Immediately
Preference Female Commander Shepard only
Background Kaidan is an Alliance Staff Lieutenant aboard the Normandy. He is a Sentinel, making him proficient in tech and biotics.
Romance Requirements If Kaidan dies on Virmire, your romance with him will obviously end and it will not count towards the Paramor accolade.

Ashley Williams


Squad Mate Availability Recruited on Eden Prime
Preference Male Commander Shepard only
Background Ashley is an Alliance soldier and the sole survivor of the 212 unit after the geth attack on Eden Prime. After the events on Eden Prime, Captain Anderson recruits her to the Normandy crew.
Romance Requirements If Ashley dies on Virmire, your romance with her will obviously end and it will not count towards the Paramor accolade.

Liara T'Soni


Squad Mate Availability Recruited on Therum
Preference Male or female Commander Shepard
Background Liara is the daughter of Matriarch Benezia and is a "pure blood", meaning that both of her parents were Asari. She has spent most of her life studying the Protheans and is a skilled biotic.
Romance Requirements If you want to romance Liara, you should find her before undertaking other missions. If you don't recruit Liara until after completing the other main missions (Virmire, Feros, and Noveria), then a romance becomes impossible as there is not enough time left to court her.

Mass Effect Romance Notes:

  • If you pursue a romance with one of your human squadmates and Liara simultaneously, you will prompt a cutscene between the three of you where your two love interests make you decide between them.
  • You are able to have a sexual encounter with Sha'ira in the Citadel, but this does not count towards the Paramor accolade.

Mass Effect 2

Miranda Lawson


Squad Mate Availability Immediately
Preference Male Commander Shepard only
Background Miranda is a Cerberus officer who led Project Lazarus in reviving Shepard. She was not conceived naturally but was designed to be perfect as one of her father's projects. As a result, she is highly proficient in biotics.
Romance Requirements You must have completed Miranda's loyalty missing The Prodigal and have earned her loyalty to begin a romance. However, after completing both Miranda's and Jack's loyalty missions, if you do not side with Miranda or remain impartial (requires high Paragon or Renegade points) during their confrontation, then the romance will end.

Jacob Taylor


Squad Mate Availability Immediately
Preference Female Commander Shepard only
Background Jacob is a Cerberus operative and human biotic. In the past, he served for the Alliance, but after the geth attack on Eden Prime, he went to work for Cerberus.
Romance Requirements You must complete Jacob's loyalty mission The Gift of Greatness and have earned his loyalty to be able to romance him.

Garrus Vakarian


Squad Mate Availability After completing the mission Dossier: Archangel
Preference Female Commander Shepard only
Background Garrus was a C-Sec investigator before joining Shepard's crew in Mass Effect, though he was not a romance option in the first game. After Shepard's death in Mass Effect 2, Garrus and a team of operatives became vigilantes on Omega, causing havoc for the mercenary groups that plagued the place.
Romance Requirements You must have completed Garrus's loyalty mission Eye for an Eye and have earned his loyalty to romance him.

Tali'Zorah vas Neema


Squad Mate Availability After completing the mission Dossier: Tali
Preference Male Commander Shepard only
Background Tali is a quarian who was one of Shepard's original team in Mass Effect after they met while Tali was on her pilgrimage, though she was not a romance option then. In Mass Effect 2, she has since completed her pilgrimage and works for the Admiralty Board.
Romance Requirements You must have completed Tali's loyalty mission Treason and have earned her loyalty to romance her. After completing both Tali and Legion's loyalty missions, the two characters will have a confrontation. If you do not side with Tali or you remain impartial (requires high Paragon or Renegade Points), you will lose Tali's loyalty. However, you can regain her trust in later conversations.

Thane Krios


Squad Mate Availability After completing the mission Dossier: The Assassin
Preference Female Commander Shepard only
Background Thane is a drell assassin who is highly skilled in weaponry, biotics, and hand-to-hand combat. He was taught by the hanar from a young age as part of the Compact between the drell and the hanar. Thane is a widower and has a son named Kolyat.
Romance Requirements You must have completed Thane's loyalty mission Sins of the Father and have earned his loyalty to romance him.



Squad Mate Availability After completing the mission Dossier: The Convict
Preference Male Commander Shepard only
Background ack was exposed to Element Zero before she was born, leading Cerberus to abduct her as a baby and experiment on her, calling her "Subject Zero". The result of the exposure meant that Jack is a highly skilled biotic and Cerberus wanted to study her with the hopes of improving biotics for humans. However, Jack eventually escaped and became a notorious criminal.
Romance Requirements Do not agree to have casual sex with Jack if you wish to romance her. If you do this, the romance option will not be available. You must complete Jack's loyalty mission Subject Zero and have earned her loyalty. However, after completing both Miranda's and Jack's loyalty missions, if you do not side with Jack or remain impartial (requires high Paragon or Renegade points) during their confrontation, then the romance will end.


  • All of the above romances will count towards the Paramor achievements/trophies, however, there are a few pseudo-romances that you can undertake in Mass Effect 2. However, none of the following romances will count towards the romance accolades.

Kelly Chambers (Pseudo-Romance)


Squad Mate Availability N/A (Available immediately as a crewmate aboard the Normandy)
Preference Male or female Commander Shepard
Background Kelly is the yeoman aboard the Normandy SR-2. As a psychologist, Kelly will offer insights into new squadmates that you recruit.
Romance Requirements Providing that Kelly survives the Collector Base and that Commander Shepard is in no other romantic relationship, Kelly can be romanced and initiate a passionate evening together.

Samara (Pseudo-Romance)


Squad Mate Availability After completing the mission Dossier: The Justicar
Preference Male or female Commander Shepard
Background Samara is an asari justicar who follows a strict code. She is a powerful biotic and is on the hunt for her Ardat-Yakshi daughter, Morinth, who continues to murder anyone she mates with.
Romance Requirements Samara can only be romanced by a Paragon Shepard, providing that they have no other romantic attachments and that Shepard has completed her loyalty mission The Ardat-Yakshi, and has gained her loyalty. After this, Shepard can pursue a romance and eventually get a kiss from Samara.

Morinth (Pseudo-Romance)


Squad Mate Availability After completing the mission Samara: The Ardat-Yakshi if you side with Morinth
Preference Male or female Commander Shepard
Background Morinth is the daughter of Samara and an Ardat-Yakshi, meaning that whenever she melds with someone, they die. However, she becomes more powerful and smarter after each melding. She is a highly skilled biotic on the run from the asari and her mother as a result of her killing numerous mates.
Romance Requirements During Samara's loyalty mission The Ardat-Yakshi, Shepard can choose to help either Samara or Morinth (providing their Paragon or Renegade points are high enough). If Shepard sides with Morinth, they will earn her loyalty and Morinth will take her mother's place (disguising herself as Samara) aboard the Normandy. Shepard can then pursue a romance with Morinth and can spend a passionate evening with her after the suicide mission. However, as Morinth is an Ardat-Yakshi, Shepard dies as a result of their union.

RELATED: Mass Effect Legendary Edition: Everything Your Save File Carries Between Games

Mass Effect 3

Miranda Lawson


Squad Mate Availability N/A (You meet her on the Citadel providing that she survived the Suicide Mission in Mass Effect 2.)
Preference Male Commander Shepard only
Romance Requirements Miranda can only be romanced providing that she survived the events at Horizon and you successfully romanced her in Mass Effect 2.

Garrus Vakarian


Squad Mate Availability N/A (You meet him while on Menae providing that he survived the Suicide Mission in Mass Effect 2.)
Preference Female Commander Shepard only
Romance Requirements Garrus can only be romanced providing that he survived the Suicide Mission and you successfully romanced him in Mass Effect 2.

Tali'Zorah vas Normandy


Squad Mate Availability After completing the mission Priority: Perseus Veil (providing that she survived Mass Effect 2.)
Preference Male Commander Shepard only
Romance Requirements Tali can only be romanced providing that she survived the Suicide Mission and that you successfully romanced her in Mass Effect 2. When it comes to choosing between the geth or the quarians in Mass Effect 3, you must either choose the quarians or have fulfilled the requirements to be able to reconcile the two species. If you do not do this, Tali will die and you will not be able to romance her.

Liara T'Soni


Squad Mate Availability After completing the mission Priority: Mars
Preference Male or female Commander Shepard
Romance Requirements Regardless of whether you previously romanced Liara in Mass Effect, you will have the option to romance her once again in Mass Effect 3. If you did romance her in the first game and then romanced someone else in Mass Effect 2, it'll take a little more work to woo her in Mass Effect 3.



Squad Mate Availability N/A (You meet her at Grissom Academy provided that she survived the Suicide Mission in Mass Effect 2.)
Preference Male Commander Shepard only
Romance Requirements Jack can only be romanced providing that she survived the Suicide Mission and that you successfully romanced her in Mass Effect 2.

Kaidan Alenko


Squad Mate Availability After completing the mission Priority: The Citadel II (providing that he survived Virmire in Mass Effect, the Suicide Mission in Mass Effect 2, and that you convince him to stand down when he threatens Udina.)
Preference Male or female Commander Shepard
Romance Requirements Whether you romanced him in Mass Effect or not, Shepard can romance Kaidan in Mass Effect 3 as long as he has survived both of the previous games and the coup at the Citadel.

Ashley Williams


Squad Mate Availability After completing the mission Priority: The Citadel II (providing that she survived Virmire in Mass Effect, the Suicide Mission in Mass Effect 2, and that you convince her to stand down when she threatens Udina.)
Preference Male Commander Shepard only
Romance Requirements Whether you romanced her in Mass Effect or not, Shepard can romance Ashley in Mass Effect 3 as long as she has survived both of the previous games and the coup at the Citadel.

Steve Cortez


Squad Mate Availability N/A (Available after Priority: Citadel I as a crewmate aboard the Normandy.)
Preference Male Commander Shepard only
Background Steve is a Lieutenant Alliance pilot aboard the Normandy. He pilots the shuttle that takes Shepard and their squadmates to different missions
Romance Requirements Shepard can pursue a romance with Steve the same as any other romance option — by taking the time to speak to him often and choose good options during conversations.

Samantha Traynor


Squad Mate Availability N/A (Available after Priority: Citadel I as a crewmate aboard the Normandy.)
Preference Female Commander Shepard only
Background Samantha is a Comm Specialist aboard the Normandy.
Romance Requirements Shepard can pursue a romance with Samantha the same as any other romance option — by taking the time to speak to her often and choose good options during conversations.

Kelly Chambers


Squad Mate Availability N/A (You meet her in the refugee camp at the Citadel provided that she survived the Collectors in Mass Effect 2.)
Preference Male or female Commander Shepard
Romance Requirements You must persuade Kelly to change her appearance to ensure she survives the Cerberus attack. After this, providing she was romanced in Mass Effect 2 and that Shepard is not in a romantic relationship with anyone else, Kelly can be romanced once again.


  • All of the above romance options will unlock the Paramor achievements/trophies, however, there are a few pseudo-romances that do not count towards the accolade. These pseudo-romances are listed below.

Thane Krios (Pseudo-Romance)


Squad Mate Availability N/A (You meet him in Huerta Memorial Hospital providing he survived the Suicide Mission in Mass Effect 2.)
Preference Female Commander Shepard only
Romance Requirements This romance can only be continued if you romanced Thane in Mass Effect 2 and he survived the Suicide Mission.

Diana Allers (Pseudo-Romance)


Squad Mate Availability N/A (You meet her in the Citadel.)
Preference Male or female Commander Shepard
Background Diana works as a correspondent for Alliance News Network.
Romance Requirements Providing you are not in a romantic relationship with anyone else and you don't shut down the second interview with Diana, you can flirt with her and become intimate.

Javik (Pseudo-Romance)


Squad Mate Availability Available after Priority: Eden Prime
Preference Female Commander Shepard only
Background Javik is the sole survivor of the Prothean race after being kept in stasis for 50,000 years.
Romance Requirements Providing that Shepard is not in a romantic relationship with anyone else, they can spend a night with Javik at the end of the Citadel content.

Samara (Pseudo-Romance)


Squad Mate Availability N/A (You meet her during Kallini: Ardat-Yakshi Monastery and can romance her afterward providing that she survives.)
Preference Female Commander Shepard only
Romance Requirements Samara is only available as a romance option if she was romanced in Mass Effect 2 and survived the Suicide Mission. The romance will occur in the Citadel content.

James Vega (Pseudo-Romance)


Squad Mate Availability Available after the Prologue.
Preference Female Commander Shepard only
Background James is an Alliance Marine and a skilled soldier.
Romance Requirements Shepard can flirt with Vega often, but the romance will only occur properly during the Citadel content.

Next: Mass Effect Legendary Edition Complete Guide And Walkthrough

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