
Halo Infinite’s Bots Have Joke Gamertags

If you weren’t one of the players who were selected for the Halo Infinite test run, our hearts go out to you. We’ve gathered plenty about Halo Infinite so far, both from the test run itself and from hidden gems on their website. For example, players took notice to a menu option on the website titled “campaigns,” suggesting that Halo Infinite might have multiple campaigns to choose from. We’ve also learned that Halo Infinite includes a drop weapon button, customization options, and that assassinations will only be added to the game post-launch.

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Over the weekend, as we've have gotten a taste of the Halo Infinite preview, we’ve also gotten a taste of some bots that are no joke. At first, the bots in Halo Infinite were relatively easy to deal with. However, 343 Industries released an update that added ODST bots, and they certainly presented players with more of a challenge. While sometimes companies will simply up the stats to make enemies more difficult, these bots were destroying people with their improved AI. In other words, they were markedly more strategic.

But one thing that we need to call attention to are the names of some of these bots. While you’d likely go in expecting bots to have different numbers differentiating them, 343 Industries has taken the liberty of giving them hilarious names. According to PC Gamer, we’ve got philosopher bots, food bots, and random, comically named bots. Bot names include—but are not limited to—the following.

  • 343 Parfit
  • 343 Locke
  • 343 Hobbes
  • 343 Godfather
  • 343 Darkstar
  • 343 Cream Corn
  • 343 Beard
  • 343 Free Money

During the Halo Infinite tech test, some details of the campaign were unfortunately leaked. Luckily, there was nothing too major—mostly story beats and mission parameters that don’t make a lot of sense without the rest of the context. But 343 Industries makes it clear that leaks like this hurt the dev team, and they’ve asked players to not spread the spoilers when they see them.

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