
New Hellboy Video Game Might Be In The Works

Fans of various popular comic book characters could soon be able to enjoy their adventures in an all-new format.

As reported by VentureBeat earlier this week, Dark Horse Comics, which publishes several high profile series such as Hellboy, The Umbrella Academy and Sin City, has opened a games division headquartered in Oregon and Shanghai. These studios have been established with the primary focus of adapting the aforementioned books and graphic novels for an all-new audience, though there’s yet to be any official confirmation of a specific IP getting such treatment. That being said, you’d imagine that the three aforementioned properties will be up first.

Per comments provided by Dark Horse Games general manager Johnny Lee, the initiative is currently in the process of recruiting third-party developers to create these experiences while also founding an internal team intended to focus its efforts solely on newer and lesser-known IP.

Hellboy Gallery

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Lee continues to tease that the company is already in “late-stage discussions” with a number of well-known players in the industry, though declines to offer any specific names. Activision, EA and Ubisoft are three of the more obvious giants in the gaming sphere, of course, and all have previous licensing experience, so we wouldn’t at all be surprised if one, if not all, of them have been approached.

Ultimately, we’ll just have to wait and see what transpires, but until more details surface, be sure to let us know in the usual place below what IP aside from Hellboy and others already mentioned you’d like to see adapted. With any luck, we’ll hear more when the annual E3 festivities kick off later this month, so stay tuned for further updates!

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