
Sky: Children Of The Light – A Quick Guide To Currencies

In Sky: Children Of The Light, there are a few different types of in-game currencies that you will encounter. Throughout your journey, you will earn these currencies and learn to use them to improve your overall game experience. The different types of currencies can be used for different things. With some, you can make friends and with others, you can purchase more luxurious items.

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Often, your purchases are going to come from Spirits that you have already freed. For you to get the full benefit of the currencies it's worth trying to release all the Spirits in every realm, as they offer more benefits than you think. By taking the time to understand the currency types in the game, you will be able to earn more and purchase more items.

Currency Breakdown

Candles And Red Candles

Candles are extremely useful as they are the most common currency throughout the entire game. They can be earned through collecting Winged Lights in a Realm like Isle Of Dawn or completing daily challenges.

They can be used for a variety of purposes;

  • You can use them to make friends with other online players. This will cost you 1 Candle.
  • Use them to purchase items off of Spirits such as Spells or Expression upgrades.
  • Can trade 3 Candles with a Spirit to get a Heart in return.

Red Candles can be found in clusters across each Realm. Lighting them will charge up the Candle charge meter in your upper left-hand corner. When this is full, you can tap it to gain another Candle. This Candle type is abundant in Daylight Prairie.


Hearts are a slightly harder currency to get your hands on. The easiest way to get Hearts is to have your friends send them to you (you can only send a heart to a friend once per day per friend). Also, you can visit a Spirit and they may let you trade 3 normal Candles for 1 Heart.

A rarer way of earning Hearts is by writing a message and leaving it for other players to see, either on message boats or at the message points. If your message gets over a specific amount of likes, then you will earn 1 Heart.

Hearts are useful as they too can be used in a number of ways;

  • Show your friends some love and give them something useful for the game!
  • They can be sent as gifts to them from your Home area. You need to do this through their constellation.
  • Can be used to buy cosmetics off of a Spirit. The more hearts you get, the more choices you can have for changing up how your character looks.

Fragments of Heart can be sent once per day to your friends via their Constellation. The pieces will eventually add up to a whole heart!

RELATED: How To Play With Friends In Sky: Children Of The Light

Sky Children Of The Light How To Complete Daylight Prairie Seasonal Currencies

As the name suggests, these are currencies that come and go with each Season. They behave the same way as normal currencies in terms of trading in for items. They can be earned through completing specific daily challenges for that Season.

Alternatively, they can be spread out in one of the Realms. Usually, there is a spirit outside of the realm that tells you the daily challenges – they're typically found in this Realm.

Tip: At the end of the season, if you don't use all the Seasonal Hearts you collected then they will return to normal Hearts.

Ascended Candles

These are a special type of Candle that you can only get after completing all of the Realms and by reaching the end of the game.

They can be used for:

  • Purchasing Cape upgrades. They will further increase your flight abilities to make it more powerful.
  • Without spoiling the game – You can get access to special actions that you can do with friends.

As you progress through the game you will naturally earn a few of these currencies and you will find yourself with more than you realize. If you want to purchase every item in the game then you're going to need to work hard to explore every inch of every single Realm!

NEXT: Sky: Children Of The Light – Everything You Need To Know About Your Home

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