
Splitgate Delayed To Extend Open Beta

Splitgate studio 1047 Games has revealed the game's full launch has been delayed for a second time with no new release date announced.

1047 Games has added to what is an already pretty busy arena for free-to-play first and third-person shooters via Splitgate. The game feels and looks like a mix between Halo and Portal and despite the options already out there in the genre, Splitgate is proving different enough that it is catching the eye of a lot of people. More people than 1047 anticipated.

10 million people, as a matter of fact. A milestone that has resulted in 1047 revealing Splitgate's full launch has been delayed for a second time. “We never dreamed of having to scale this big this quickly, and as a result we have had to overcome challenges to keep up with player demand,” 1047 co-founder Ian Proulx explained. “We met several major milestones in a short time, creating a stable platform where fans can expect to find a server to play on relatively quickly, and I’m proud of what our team has accomplished.”

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The aim moving forward is to keep the game stable for its players and scale Splitgate up beyond server capacity alone. “We want to be prepared for massive scale when we officially launch,” Proulx adds, also confirming that despite the launch being pushed, Splitgate's open beta will continue to receive regular updates.

Splitgate's full launch was initially supposed to happen in July. That was pushed to August due to the massive number of players who wanted to try the game. Although a new date is yet to be announced, it seems likely that 1047 will reveal something during this year's Gamescom. Gamescom takes place next week, which could mean the wait for more Splitgate news isn't long.

1047 has a lot on its plate beyond Splitgate's full launch. It has already been revealed that the game will be getting a next-gen upgrade, and that one of the studio's goals is to eventually bring it to Nintendo Switch. For now, Splitgate's beta is still live, and we have handy guides on how the ranking system works and how to set up bot matches for those of you looking to try it out.

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