
Splitgate: How to Get Drops | Game Rant

Splitgate is a game with a lot of hype surrounding it. The premise of a sci-fi arena shooter with Portal's mind-bending portals has intrigued enough people that Splitgate's developers have been struggling to keep up with server demands.

It's one thing to get an audience's attention, and it's another thing to keep it. Splitgate's developers have included reward drops to support the game and entice returning players. Like in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive or Overwatch, these drops have randomized cosmetic rewards, such as weapon and jetpack skins.

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Lootbox-like systems can be intimidating, but Splitgate's developers have included multiple ways to gain reward drops, and most of them are free.

The most obvious way to get reward drops is by leveling up. Players earn experience with each match, including custom matches. A reward drop is guaranteed with each level up, up to level 10 currently. It's likely that level 11 and onward will also give reward drops once Splitgate is out of beta.

Of course, considering Splitgate's current server issues, getting into matches might be difficult, at least in the short term. But there are ways to maximize XP in each play session.

Obviously, a player will receive more XP when winning than when losing. With Splitgate's loose SBMM system, it's possible for a player to get a lucky match up against a weaker opponent.

Splitgate also includes daily challenges, such as getting kills with a certain weapon. They tend to give 3000 XP each.

Lastly, the daily login bonuses tend to give XP, and playing multiple days in a row gives an XP booster. The game offers up to a 20% boost for 5 days of play in a row.

XP isn't the only thing the daily login has to offer. 4 days of consecutive logins will give a free reward drop, and 7 days of consecutive logins will give a player 100 splitcoins, the game's premium currency, which can be used to buy items directly.

Weekly challenges, which tend to be harder or more involved than the daily challenges, will also sometimes give reward drops.

In terms of paying for reward drops, the main way to do so currently is through the arena pass. The pass gives a reward drop every 4 tiers, up to tier 12.

Splitgate releases in August on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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