
Streamer Finds Unseen Metal Gear Solid Speedrun Skip

Streamer Boba accidentally discovered an unknown bug while playing Metal Gear Solid over the weekend, sending the game's speedrunning community into a frenzy.

There was probably once a time where you thought you were one of the best players of a particular game because you regularly handed Ls out to all your friends. Then online matchmaking came along and made you realize you're not as good a gamer as you thought you were. Then you discovered speedrunners and the realization that you weren't all that good at those old games also set in.

If that sounds like you, then revel in something streamer Boba found over the weekend. A discovery by someone enjoying the original Metal Gear Solid, while streaming at the same time, which left the game's speedrunners in a state of shock as her discovery started to do the rounds on Twitter.

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Boba's screen fades to black, at which point she wonders what she has done wrong. When Snake reappears, he is on the other side of a door that's supposed to be locked. Boba sings and dances at the discovery since it's a bug she had clearly never encountered before. What she didn't realize at the time is it's a bug that no one has encountered before. Not even its dedicated speedrunners who have been playing the game over and over for decades, constantly seeking out any way they can shave seconds of their PBs.

Speedrunners have already been replicating Boba's discovery, proving it's legit and that it wasn't just a fluke. Some have been referring to it as the Boba Skip, while Boba herself has insisted it be known as Kevin. For those unfamiliar with this part of the game, you usually have to descend the outside of the building while being shot at by a helicopter. Then climb all the way back up the stairs once that's done.

It's unclear how much time the Boba Skip will save. Some think as much as two minutes, and possibly even more if playing the game on a console. A huge discovery made entirely by accident. Cue speedrunners testing every single locked door in the game over the next few days to double-check if the Boba Skip, or Kevin, can be utilized elsewhere.

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