
Tales of Arise Demo Lets Players Experience Its Action-Packed Gameplay

Pick a Character and Play

The Tales of Arise demo is now available, meaning that you can now begin exploring one of the game’s many breathtaking regions. Even better, you can also try out each of the game’s main party members.

Elde Menancia is a luxurious and diverse region of Dahna where Renans and Dahnans are able to live together in peace–at least, that’s what the summary says. The reality may be somewhat different. Regardless, it’s a gorgeously realized landscape where adventure and battle await.

The trailer for the demo immediately shows off the cast’s special moves as well as what they look like in combat. You can choose from a powerful swordsman, a long-ranged mage, a high-risk high-reward martial artist, a graceful nobleman, a brutally effective gunner, and a defense-heavy guardswoman.

Each member of the party has their own special skills and specific roles that they do best in. You can use the month the demo is out to figure out exactly which roles you do best in and which are best left to the party AI.

More importantly, this is a great chance to explore the setting of what may be the most visually stunning Tales game yet. Elde Menancia contains gorgeous rivers, sprawling grassland, and breathtaking mountain views, all of which are shown off in the demo. The full game may well feature even more beautiful sights, but this is a great start.

The trailer also promises epic challenges, including a massive insectoid boss fight to test your skills against. That’s certainly one way to ensure you have your favorite characters’ movesets down before the game fully launches. Even better, the trailer ends by noting that you’ll be rewarded for playing the demo with the Vacation Hootle doll DLC as a bonus when the full game launches.

Tales of Arise will be available for PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series S|X, and PC on September 10th, 2021. Pre-orders are now available.

Are you excited to see what else Tales of Arise has in store for us? Let us know down in the comments, or hit us up on Twitter or Facebook.

The post Tales of Arise Demo Lets Players Experience Its Action-Packed Gameplay appeared first on COGconnected.

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