
Where To Find Every Scavenger Hunt Item In Psychonauts

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One of the collections that the player can work through in Psychonauts is the "Scavenger Hunt," assigned to you by one of Ford Cruller's personalities, Ranger Cruller. There are 16 items in total and you'll earn four PSI Cadet Ranks for every eight items that you find. This guide walks you through the location of every single item on the list!

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Most of the items can be found with the Levitation ability. However, there are a fair few that require other psychic abilities as well. If you don't have a particular ability yet, just check out our guide on all of the Merit Badges and see what you need to do to get it!

Cherry Wood Pipe

Recommended Merit Badge: Levitation

  • Start where the Reception area meets the GPC and Wilderness — there's a bridge which, upon crossing it, will prompt a loading screen.
  • Instead of crossing the bridge into the Wilderness area, turn left and jump off the bridge.
  • Follow the creek up to the waterfall and jump up onto the ledge that's right beside it, full of trees.
  • When you go far enough back, you'll find the old, rusty truck stuck in a tree, with the Cherry Wood Pipe right beside it!

Condor Egg

Recommended Merit Badge: Levitation

  • The Condor Egg is located quite near the Cherry Wood Pipe. Again, start on the bridge in the Reception area that leads towards the Wilderness.
  • If you're looking towards the Wilderness, the egg is directly behind you, in a nest that's suspended on top of a pole jutting out of the water.
  • There's a number of ways to reach it, including grinding on a rail leading out of the mind shaft or simply using your thought bubble to parachute off of a higher-up log.

Dinosaur Bone

Recommended Merit Badge: Levitation

  • This is another one located in the reception area. Start by finding Janitor Cruller's trailer.
  • If you're standing at the trailer, looking away from it, you'll want to go left.
  • On this side, there's a lot of rocks and a small hill.
  • At the top of that hill is a burnt-out campfire beside a tree.
  • You'll need to use Levitation to get up into the branches and grab the Dinosaur Bone from the very top.

Fertility Idol

Recommended Merit Badge: Marksmanship

  • When you've found the Dinosaur bone, return to Janitor Cruller's trailer and go right instead of left this time.
  • In the woods here, you'll be looking for a hornets' nest hanging from the trees.
  • Once you shoot it by using your Marksmanship badge, it'll fall out of the tree and drop the Fertility Idol. Be quick, though; a black bear is lurking nearby!

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Eagle Claw

Recommended Merit Badge: Levitation

  • The Eagle Claw is located close to the parking lot, in the far southwest.
  • Starting at the main lodge, head towards the parking lot.
  • When you spy the speaker pole on your left, climb up it.
  • From the top, you'll use your thought bubble to bounce over to the wooden platforms on the tree in front of you (in the direction of the parking lot).
  • From those platforms, if you're facing the parking lot, you'll want to jump to your right and use the thought bubble as a parachute.
  • You're aiming for another wooden platform below you, but the view of it is partially obscured by foliage.
  • Then land, soft as a butterfly, and reap the rewards!

Gold Doubloon

Recommended Merit Badge: None

  • The Gold Doubloon is a fairly unproblematic item to uncover. Start at the main lodge. If you're facing the doors of the main lodge, turn right and head around the side of a building.
  • You're looking for a nook in its foundation where the doubloon is hiding in plain sight.

Voodoo Doll

Recommended Merit Badge: Levitation

  • Next, you'll find the Voodoo Doll by going inside the main lodge itself.
  • You can jump on one of the tables and then use levitation to get to the roof — grab on to one of the rafters and pull yourself up.
  • The Voodoo Doll is on the rafter right above the band.

Turkey Sandwich

Recommended Merit Badge: Levitation, Pyrokinesis

  • Venture into the Cabin area to find your next item. At the far end, just above one of the cabins, there are a bunch of wooden supports that you can swing on using Raz's acrobatic skills.
  • Jump onto the cabin roof with Levitation, climb up farther by using the wooden supports and the tree, then jump off onto a ledge with a cave.
  • If you go into the cave, you'll slide down and find a fridge at the end.
  • Open it by interacting and discover that the Turkey Sandwich is frozen in a block of ice, so you'll need to use Pyrokinesis on it and free the item.

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Recommended Merit Badge: Levitation

  • The Fossil is in Sasha's Underground Lab.
  • When you arrive, head straight up the multi-coloured stairs in the centre of the room.
  • As you go up, keep an eye on the walls around you — you'll be able to see the Fossil glowing when you get to the second major platform.
  • Use Levitation to jump over, past the sprawled papers, and onto the ledge where the Fossil is kept.

Glass Eye

Recommended Merit Badge: Telekinesis

  • The Glass Eye is in the Wilderness area to the northeast.
  • Follow the creak east as far as it goes — it ends just under the GCP — and you'll find a grate.
  • The Glass Eye is just past that grate, so use Telekinesis to move it towards yourself.

Pirate Scope

Recommended Merit Badge: Levitation

  • Upon entering the wilderness area, follow the path that takes you as far east as you can go.
  • At the end of it, there's a cave that leads you to the Boathouse.
  • Instead of going through the cave, though, turn left.
  • On top of a rock here, there's a crow feather.
  • Pick that up and continue to jump up the rocks as they get taller and taller — there are little purple bubbles indicating arrowheads at each step, which helps you figure out where your next jump should be.
  • At the very top is the Pirate Scope!

Golden Acorn

Recommended Merit Badge: Invisibility

  • To find the Golden Acorn, start at the exact same place as you did for the Pirate Scope: in the Wilderness area, facing the cave that leads you to the Boathouse.
  • Again, instead of going through, turn left.
  • This time, instead of jumping up the rocks, go around them to the left.
  • You'll see the Golden Acorn in front of a squirrel. That squirrel will run away with the Acorn if you get too close.
  • The trick is to use Invisibility to grab the Acorn without the squirrel seeing you.

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Miner's Skull

Recommended Merit Badge: Shield

  • Yet again, start your search for this item in the Wilderness, at the cave leading to the Boathouse.
  • Yet again, go left.
  • Go around the rocks and past the place where you acquired the Golden Acorn.
  • Towards the very back, you'll see two geysers. One is overflowing with water but the other is blocked by something.
  • Use the shield while standing on top of the lefthand geyser to increase the water pressure on the righthand geyser and force out the item that's blocking the flow. It's the Miner's Skull!

Psychonauts Comic #1

Recommended Merit Badge: Levitation

  • The Psychonauts Comic is in the Beach/Boathouse area of the map.
  • If you get there by using the Underground Rapid Transit System, just turn around!
  • There's a wooden walkway behind you. Directly past that, hovering on a ledge past the trees, is the Psychonauts Comic #1!

Diver's Helmet

Recommended Merit Badge: Levitation

  • The Diver's Helmet is, unsurprisingly, also on the beach.
  • It's a bit tricky, but use Levitation to get onto the roof of the Boathouse (the main building on land, with the green roof).
  • From there, the ledges in the rock face will be obvious. Jump from one to another until you reach the cave, just past the tree growing out of the side of the mountain.
  • Inside is your Diver's Helmet!

Gold Watch

Recommended Merit Badge: Levitation

  • The Gold Watch is the only item that isn't in the main camp area. It's found just outside of the Asylum.
  • To reach it, you'll have to complete the Milkman conspiracy.
  • Once you've done that and he has let you past the gate, you'll progress into a courtyard with a busted fountain.
  • At the very top of the fountain is the Gold Watch! It's an easy jump to make, using Levitation.

NEXT: Psychonauts: Things You Didn't Know About Raz

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