
Battlefield 2042 Exodus Short Film Coming Next Week | Game Rant

Battlefield 2042 is just a few months away from its release, and EA is beginning to get the ball rolling on the game’s promotional material. One unique trailer will be taking the form of a short film, and Battlefield 2042 fans can expect it to do some interesting world building.

Battlefield 2042 does not have a campaign, but DICE is planning to progress the story in other ways. Like Call of Duty’s post-launch Seasons, which each offer a piece of an ongoing narrative, players can expect the Battlefield 2042 story to progress in some major ways with every passing Season. While some are still let down by the lack of a singleplayer mode, it is good to know that a proper narrative is still being incorporated. With the concepts of a proxy war and the Non-Patriated being fresh for Battlefield, there are some interesting things to dive into.

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Outside of Battlefield 2042’s Seasons, it seems like DICE and EA are planning to make the premise of the story clear to players through an upcoming trailer. Rather than just showing off some in-game cinematics, though, a short film will be used to lay the groundwork for the story. Called Battlefield 2042 Exodus, it will showcase the “events that trigger an all-out war” in the game. With players partaking in this war via the multiplayer gameplay of Battlefield 2042, seeing the moments that sparked the conflict could be interesting.

Exodus should explain why players are fighting, with the film giving Battlefield 2042’s Specialists some proper motivation behind their actions in All-Out Warfare and Hazard Zone. While the exact length of the film has not yet been revealed, players can expect it to go live on August 12 at 8 AM PDT. Though it is over a week away still, the fact that it is being hyped up so early means that it should be worth a watch. Fans get some brief snippets from the film as well, with a 15-second teaser posted on Battlefield’s official YouTube channel.

In the teaser, gamers get a glimpse at Battlefield 2042’s destructive weather. A huge ship can be seen pushing through the water, while osprey helicopters can be seen flying into a huge storm. A soldier is also depicted running by some cars, with a nighttime setting being visible in this scene. A narrator also talks about being forgotten, which is likely meant to represent the Non-Patriated Specialists of the game. Having seen their countries fall apart due to various issues, they now fight for either Russia or America in hopes that their homes will be restored.

With Battlefield 2042 Portal’s trailer recently getting gamers excited, hopefully Battlefield 2042 Exodus has the same effect. Based on the teasers like to dislike ratio, as well as its comments, gamers seem to be excited to learn more about the new Battlefield game’s story.

Battlefield 2042 launches October 22 for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

MORE: What Battlefield 2042 Should Learn from Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare

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