
Avengers: War For Wakanda Shows Black Panther’s Abilities And Heroic Moves

Marvel's Avengers War for Wakanda expansion is launching today, and Crystal Dynamics finally revealed Black Panther’s combat abilities. It seems the new hero will be completely different from the other Avengers in the roster.

Marvel’s Avengers next free expansion will be the biggest one yet. You’ll get a chance to experience a 7-8 hours cinematic story campaign set in a mysterious Wakandan Jungles — an entirely new massive biome. The environment here is more treacherous than before: there are dangerous pitfalls, traps, defense weapons, and even puzzles all across its ancient structures. Sounds like Crystal Dynamics is moving towards Tomb Raider a bit, and it’s probably a good sign considering the studio’s tremendous experience with that kind of stuff.

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However, Marvel fans are probably more interested in Black Panther himself, who will be the third playable character added to the game after its initial release. Unlike Hawkeye and Kate Bishop, King T’Challa’s martial arts-inspired playstyle should be pretty unique, providing the players with new tricks to learn and combat moves to master.

Black Panther can perform Pounce, allowing the character to leap forward and grapple-attack his foes. His ranged Devastating Daggers increase damage to affected enemies, and Percussive Blast releases a blast of stored up kinetic energy in his suit to finish them off.

Like other Avengers in the game, T’Challa has three Heroic abilities. King’s Mercy is his Assault skill, allowing you to summon a powerful Vibranium spear to quickly destroy enemy lines. When things get messy, it’s time for supportive Kimoyo Beads — not only does it buff allies but stun enemies too. Finally, there’s Ultimate Heroic ability, which summons a spectral projection of the panther goddess Bast.

You’ll get to meet the Black Panther family in Birnin Zana, the capital city of Wakanda, which is an explorable outpost. If you’re more for straight action, there are two new boss fights: showdown against Klaw himself and battle against his head lieutenant Crossbones, both of whom already were portrayed in the MCU.

On top of all, the DLC comes with a major overhaul of the existing UI and a bunch of useful QoL improvements like faster item dismantling and shared Faction terminals. Still no signs of Spider-Man though, yet the team said the webslinger is still on track to arrive on PS4 and PS5 sometime later this year.

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