
Alien Nanite Locations In Fortnite – How To Get And Use

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Alien Nanites are the latest addition to Fortnite's Battle Royale mode, and this one is huge. Alien Nanites can be used for a variety of things, and while they might seem useless at first, that's probably because you haven't looked at your crafting menu.

Alien Nanites are incredibly rare, and this is the main problem with them. Everyone wants them, but very few people are actually able to find the Alien Nanites and use them. Typical. But in this guide we're going to make things easy for you.

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In this guide we're going to specify how to find Alien Nanites, where they can be found, and how you can use them in order to win a few Victory Royales.

How To Find Alien Nanites In Fortnite

Right now Alien Nanites can be found literally anywhere in the Battle Royale as Floor Loot – though their appearances as floor loot are limited. Alien Nanites spawning on the floor will be very rare, though entirely possible, so it's good to check normal floor loot and chests as you pass by.

Since they could be literally anywhere, and very uncommon, you should only use the floor loot method passively, or if you're not directly hunting Alien Nanites.

Where To Find Alien Nanites In Fortnite

If you are directly going after Alien Nanites to use in Fortnite, then you need to go where they're more likely to spawn – and where you're more likely to encounter a bunch of enemies.

If you want Alien Nanites guaranteed, then you need to head towards one of these two locations: the Abductors and the Mothership. Unfortunately the Abductors are not in the game at the time of writing, but the Mothership is still present, meaning you should expect a lot of players to land there.

How To Use Alien Nanites

If you want to actually use Alien Nanites, there are two things you can do. The first is that it can be used as custom grenade that, when thrown, will emit a massive box, inside which will be a low-gravity field. You can basically swim inside this field, allowing you to throw off enemies and reach high points without materials – alternatively, if you throw it at the ground, you can jump from a high place and will not receive fall damage when touching down.

The other thing you can do is Craft with them. From the Inventory Menu you'll find the Crafting Menu, and every single item in the game can be combined with an Alien Nanite in order to create an alien version of that item – yes, you can make alien weapons. These all have different effects, and I suggest you test some of them out for yourself.

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