
Apex Legends Season 10 Battle Pass Rewards Have Leaked

With the upcoming Season 10 of Apex Legends set to launch soon, fans have been clamoring to know the contents of its respective battle pass. Luckily, a bit of that information has leaked for the curious.

Being a Battle Royale game, Apex Legends follows the season structure synonymous with the genre. Respawn Entertainment releases a content update for the game roughly every three months, which features things like quality-of-life upgrades, new playable characters, and map updates. A new season also means a new battle pass, a purchasable item that provides loot for players through an unlockable tier system based on a user’s game time and ability to complete specific challenges. There is also a free variant of the battle pass that comes with a smaller number of items to unlock.

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Twitter user Apex Legends News has posted information they found on the official Apex Legends website regarding the battle pass content. This season the free rewards are a Bloodhound character skin, 11 weapon skills, new load screens, and win trackers. The premium pass rewards are rare sets for Bloodhound, Gibraltar, Lifeline, and Pathfinder. It appears the information was inadvertently posted to the site early and has since been taken down. Luckily, Apex Legends News managed to grab a few screenshots to share the find with the world. The new Season 10 of Apex Legends and its battle pass are expected to launch on August 3, 2021, although this has not been confirmed yet.

Being that these rewards seem to be in line with what other previous battle passes have offered, it’s very likely that this information is accurate. Respawn Entertainment needs to provide a healthy amount of cycling rewards to keep players invested in the game. Developer Respawn Entertainment has also worked on the beloved Titanfall series and as such is very experienced with competitive shooters, although Apex Legends has had its fair share of problems, too.

The title’s publisher Electronic Arts, which has just announced a much anticipated Dead Space remake made by EA Motive, has been known to push for aggressive monetization methods within its titles using approaches such as randomized loot boxes, DLC, and other various micro-transactions. Online games require high maintenance costs for server infrastructure and continual production of content. A battle pass is an effective way that companies can make money from players while offering unique content to them.

Battle passes have become increasingly popular as more and more games shift to a free-to-play model supported by micro-transactions. The upcoming Halo: Infinite is set to use battle passes as well. Clearly, publishers have found them to be a lucrative way to increase income and players seem to be welcoming them with open arms. As such, it appears the battle pass setup is here to stay.

Apex Legends is available on PC, PS4, Switch, and Xbox One.

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