
Babylon’s Fall Closed Beta Dates Announced

Despite its first real gameplay trailer showing up at this year’s E3, Babylon’s Fall is still somewhat of a mystery. All we really know about the game is that it’s PlatinumGame’s attempt at a live service game, it’s been in development for ages, and its art style looks like someone smeared Vaseline all over the TV screen.

But one lackluster trailer shouldn't be enough to completely write this game off, especially since it's being made by the usually stellar Platinum. Thankfully, we’re going to get a chance to experience it first hand with an upcoming closed beta. Platinum has posted the schedule for the various beta tests that will be taking place and there are quite a few dates to keep track of. If you managed to sign up to participate in Babylon Fall’s closed beta, the first opportunity to test it out will be on PC through Steam.

The initial beta will be on July 29th between 2 AM to 6 AM PT in Japan only. Then, North America will get its own beta the following week on August 5th from 6 PM to 10 PM PT. Finally, European players will get a crack at the beta test on August 12th from 10 AM to 2 PM PT.

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This is the first phase of Babylon Fall’s closed beta tests, so don’t expect it to feel like the finished product. There are bound to be plenty of issues as this beta is mainly meant to test out the game’s online functions such as account registration and server response. Platinum is planning on slowly rolling out more of the game’s content during future beta tests. Betas for the PS4 and PS5 are also coming soon, but it’s PC only for now.

These betas will help paint a clearer picture of what Babylon’s Fall is going to be. Ever since the E3 trailer was shown off, there’s been some concern over the blurry look of the game, which was apparently an intentional design choice. Platinum has had a pretty solid track record when it comes to the critical and fan reception of its titles, but live service games have become notorious for their rocky launches. Fallout 76, Anthem, and most recently Marvel’s Avengers were all released as buggy messes that permanently damaged the reputations of the companies that developed them. So far, there hasn’t been much to dissuade fans from worrying that Babylon’s Fall will suffer the same fate.

The game still doesn’t have a firm release date, so there’s plenty of time for Platinum to get the game into tip-top shape. Hopefully, it can survive the live service curse and put out something on par with Bayonetta and Nier Automata.

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