
Borderlands 3 Fan Shares Stunning Troy Calypso Art

Only outdone by Maya’s young trainee Ava, the Borderlands 3 villains The Calypso Twins are incredibly divisive characters. Still, some players did appreciate the two antagonists, with one Borderlands 3 fan clearly liking what was done with Troy’s final encounter.

While there were several things that stopped The Calypso Twins from living up to Handsome Jack’s legacy, one of the biggest was Troy’s wasted potential. Prior to the boss fight with him, all the cards seemed to be in place for Tyreen’s parasitic brother to become the main villain. Teased throughout the game, Troy’s growing frustrations with needing to rely on his sister made the idea that he would turn on her understandable and expected. Unfortunately, that does not happen, and his story ends rather abruptly.

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With so much potential and so many ways that The Calypso Twins could have been redeemed, it is easy to see why there are some fans of the two characters in the Borderlands community. Redditor Robobie101 is one such fan, as they have shared a gorgeous art piece of Troy in his boss fight arena. A charged-up Elpis hangs in the background, while the Vault symbol being so prominent makes for a fitting place to fight Troy. The statues and sky look great as well, setting the mood for the encounter perfectly.

After a few months of not drawing, i made this and i’m proud of it 🙂 from

While many may have wanted more from the villain, it is hard to argue against the idea that his boss fight was well handled. An empowered Troy ends up boasting wings for this final battle, an ability that allows him to fly around the battlefield quickly. With a sword as his weapon of choice, Borderlands players are constantly on the edge of their seat, as Troy often charges right at them with his blade in hand. All of this is captured in the fan’s art, with Troy’s Siren tattoos glowing and his wings spread to make him look intimidating.

It seems like Robobie101 is not alone in loving this fight, either. In the comments, Reddit user hecking-doggo claims that Troy may be their favorite boss in the series, while Squidburgers points out how memorable the music is during the fight. There is plenty of praise for the piece itself, too, with some commenters calling it beautiful and others requesting a wallpaper version. While other fan art for the series may look at well-received Borderlands characters like Zane, it is nice to see some love being shown for the flawed-but-interesting Troy.

Comment from discussion hecking-doggo's comment from discussion "After a few months of not drawing, i made this and i’m proud of it :)".

With Troy and Tyreen now gone, perhaps Borderlands 4’s playable Siren will let players wield the Calypso Twins’ Phaseleech power. Though Tyreen and Troy are unlikely to return, it could be a lot of fun to wield their special ability in the next mainline game.

Borderlands 3 is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

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