Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War Multiplayer Details Leak OnlineJoshua GoodpastorGame Rant – Feed


Several leaks have appeared ahead of the official Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War reveal. These leaks are said to come from a reliable source and were distributed by a Call of Duty YouTuber. It is unknown if these Call of Duty: Cold War leaks are authentic, but some of the information echoes already confirmed content.

There is a ton of information about possible additions to the Call of Duty: Cold War Multiplayer formula. While some fans fear a return to the Black Ops 4 specialist system, others hope to see the attachment customization from Modern Warfare resurfacing. Simply put, fans are not sure what the next game holds for multiplayer fans.

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In a video that has since been taken down with a copyright claim, YouTuber SalvationsElite detailed a ton of information from their source that clearly outlines a possible form of the Cold War Multiplayer experience. Starting with teams, the game’s multiplayer will hold battles between the CIA and Spetznaz forces.

Players are reportedly going to have 150 health, but the weapons should be compensating for fast deaths similar to Modern Warfare. Full regen will be returning, with the stim pack acting as an optional loadout item. Play of the game and EKIA tracks will be returning along with SBMM, which is reportedly similar to Modern Warfare’s system.

SalvationsElite revealed three possible maps in the next game. One is set in Miami and seems to a 6v6 style map, with part of the map set on the beach stretching into downtown. He believes there’s a part located in a dance club, but was not sure exactly what that would entail. The second map is a desert-style that he described similar to Battlefield 1’s Desert map. It is an open experience with ammo crates scattered across the map for changing loadouts and getting ammo.

He also brings up a possible map for 12v12 Ground War involving three ships locked in conflict. Players will be able to travel in between ships via ziplines as they fight to secure objective points across the map. Sections of each ship are sunken in the water allowing players a swimming alternative to exploring each of the locations.

Call of Duty: Cold War will reportedly be returning to normal classes and abandoning the specialist features found in Black Ops 4. Scorestreaks will also be returning as a hybrid point system between killstreak and scorestreak systems. As of now, there are seven scorestreaks in the leak, including Spy Planes, VTOLs, Chopper Gunner, Cruise Missile, Napalm Strike, Artillery, and Flamethrowers.

His source also listed Hardpoint among the returning game modes. Kill confirmed will be making an appearance along with a new game mode called VIP. SalvationsElite believes this is similar to Safeguard but is not sure exactly what this mode will hold.

The last bit of leaked information that the YouTuber shared was a list of guns for Call of Duty: Cold War. He believes that the game will see the return of the following assault rifles: M16-A2, Ak-5, Ak74-U, Type 63, Type 15, and Colt Commando. He had two SMGs on his list with the MP5 returning alongside an Uzi of some form. The only sniper rifle confirmed is the M40 Sniper from Call of Duty 4. While the leaks do seem reasonable, they should be taken with a massive grain of salt until Treyarch confirms more details.

Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War is in development from Treyarch and Raven Software.

MORE: Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War Reveal Time Confirmed

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