
EA Play Live To Focus On Games Coming Soon, Not The "All-To-Distant Future"

This year's EA Play Live will be focusing on games that are "coming out soon" and will last for around 40 minutes.

The focus of the presentation was highlighted by EA marketing officer David Tinson, who revealed the focus of the presentation will be on "games that are coming out soon rather than in the all-to-distant future".

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David also went into more detail on the specific content, saying, "the show is a fast-paced one, coming in around 40 minutes and will feature what’s next for games like Battlefield 2042 and Apex Legends. You’ll also see the first gameplay for Lost in Random, featuring explosive dice battles, time-freezing tactics and card collection."

For those worried that this confirms that there won't be any surprises at the show, don't worry too much as David also said, "We’ll have a couple other games to highlight as well, but for those, you’ll just have to wait and see".

From these comments, it's made pretty clear that there won't be many deep dives into gameplay for the titles on show, and will instead focus on showcasing a higher number of games. We've only seen one proper trailer for Battlefield 2042, so that will likely be a focus. David says here that Lost in Random will also be getting gameplay, but it likely won't be as deep a dive as say, Square Enix did for Guardians of the Galaxy.

It seems like EA is trying to set expectations for the show as early as possible by laying out what will and won't be there. We already found out earlier in the week that BioWare won't be showing off either the upcoming Dragon Age or Mass Effect games, but will instead be showing off content for Star Wars: The Old Republic.

The prevailing theory is that EA will be revealing a reboot for the Dead Space series by Star Wars Squadrons developers Motive Studios. Although the presentation specifically states that it will be focusing on games coming in the near future, it's likely that EA will have "one more game" moment, which could be the reveal of Dead Space.

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