
Final Fantasy XIV: The Whorleater (Extreme) Trial Guide

When the Warrior of Light defeats any primal, it is very likely that you're going to run into a more difficult version of the boss battle later on in Final Fantasy 14. The Extreme version of Leviathan is one of many examples of this.

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The Whorleater (Extreme) requires a full-sized party all at level 50 (if you are above that level, it will synchronize you to 50). Item level will be synchronized to 80. Here's how to beat him.

How To Unlock The Trial

The quest that unlocks The Whorleater (Extreme) is called Whorl of a Time. The NPC that gives out the quest is Urianger in The Waking Sands. If this quest isn't available, it is because the completion of the Main Story Quest, Through the Maelstorm, is required first.

Leviathan's Attacks And Abilities

Aqua Breath: An AoE water spell that will target the tank with aggro.

Body Slam: Indicated by a geyser, the primal will body slam against one-third of the platform. When the geyser shows, players must run to the other side of the platform to not fall into the sea.

Dread Tide: Similar to Aqua Breath, Dread Tide is a column AoE that targets the active tank. This means the tank should position themselves in a way where no other players are behind them.

Grand Fall: Targets multiple players, inflicts slow, and deals AoE damage. This also makes pools, so players with Grand Fall hitting them should try to place themselves somewhere where the pools won't obstruct others.

Mantle of the Whorl: This buff gives Leviathan's tail the ability to reflect magic damage.

Scale Darts: The tail will fire darts at one target.

Spinning Dive: Also signaled by a geyser, but this time Leviathan will rush across the platform. Geyser will show in the area where the players must avoid to not get hit.

Tidal Roar: A group-wide AoE. Usually signals when he is about to dive, so be ready to look for a geyser and move.

Veil of the Whorl: This will make Leviathan's head reflect any ranged damage.

Whirlpool: An AoE that targets multiple players, they should spread out to avoid damaging their party members.

Trial Walkthrough And Mechanics

Phase One

The fight will begin with Leviathan's head in the north. Some auto-attacks will happen and then there will be a body slam after Leviathan takes 10 percent damage.

Body Slam: A geyser will appear in one of four corners of the platform. That is where Leviathan will come out of the water and horizontally slam himself into the platform. This will make everyone slide towards him. At this point, there will be railings that prevent players from falling into the sea. After the first Tidal Wave though, the railings will no longer be there to save players. So when a geyser appears, always run to the opposite end of the platform.

Leviathan will now split with the head on one side of the platform and the tail on the other. The head reflects physical ranged damage and the tail reflects magic damage. One tank should be at the head and the other on the tail. DPS should split between the head and the tail based on which one they can hit. Don't worry about who is where, as the health pool of the head and tail are shared.

Wavespine Sahagins: The next mechanic to worry about is a pair of adds. These Sahagin can give short Paralyze debuffs and should be killed before they can cast Hydro Shot. Hydro Shot puts a pool on the platform that gives a DoT debuff. The tanks should keep Leviathan's attention while the DPS take care of these guys.

Once the adds are taken care of, focus back on Leviathan until he casts Tidal Wave. Everyone should run to the outer edges of the platform for the Grand Fall attack to drop. Leviathan will then do two Spinning Dives followed by a Body Slam, so run around the platform to avoid getting hit by these attacks.

Wavetooth Sahagin: There will be only one of this add. If left alone though, it will cast Dread Wash and Dreadstorm. It is best to stun-lock it and kill it immediately. Dreadwash gives hysteria and Dreadstorm makes pools that cause hysteria if they are touched.

Once again, Leviathan will do Spinning Dives and Body Slams. All is pretty normal until it's time for a DPS check.

DPS Check: Four watery Gyre Spumes will appear around the platform and they will be attacking the elemental converter until they are killed. All DPS must take care of these immediately, as the elemental converter is what is needed to survive Leviathan's ultimate attack. When the Spumes die, they will do raid-wide damage for healers to deal with.

On your screen, under the Duty Finder is the Elemental Conversion counter. Once the Spumes are gone, it will be recharging and you will need at least 30 out of 100 to survive Leviathan's attack. Before Leviathan casts his Ultimate, you have to click on the converter to put up the shield, or else it is a party wipe. With the shield up, Leviathan will cast and destroy all railings on the platform. So from here on out you can fall off the platform.

Dodge the Body Slams and Spinning Dives without falling off the platform.

Phase Two

The rotation will continue and the Wavespine Sahagin will appear in the south. Take care of them like last time and then more Spumes will appear for a second DPS check. Some raids use LB3 to quickly take care of half of them. Healers should be prepared to recover the party from the many dead Spume AoEs.

Wave Spumes: These will tether themselves to players and deal damage when they hit. The off-tank should gather these up and pop big cool-downs to survive the blasts.

Click the panel again to survive a second ultimate attack.

Phase Three

Another Wavetooth Sahagin will appear. Stun-lock and kill it immediately like last time. If he casts any hysteria, players will likely be doomed to run off the platform.

At this point, all types of mechanics have already been done, so there are no more surprises. Keep dodging and re-experiencing certain mechanics until Leviathan is defeated.

NEXT: Final Fantasy 14: Healing Class Tier List

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