
Games Need Bigger UI

I recently bought They Are Billions in a sale on PS4, which is a bit embarrassing because I just wrote about how 7 Days To Die has the best zombie hordes around. Anyway, I booted the game up, knowing it was ported to consoles from PC. I’ve played strategy games on my PS4 before, and I don’t have a good enough PC to run many 3D games, so I just accept the controls will be a bit clunky and get on with it – I still have fun.

However, one horrifying trend I’ve noticed absolutely needs to stop: enough with the tiny UI. Both of my housemates are developers and primarily PC gamers, so I understand the assumption that everyone playing these games has three huge widescreen monitors sitting on their desk. Firstly, that’s only true for one of them, the other uses a good laptop, so that’s one myth busted. Secondly, people shouldn’t need to immerse themselves in a 210-degree gaming den to read a pause menu, that’s absurd. I love the simplicity afforded by console gaming – I have my TV, and my sofa, maybe my desk chair if I need to get really close to the screen.

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They Are Billions’ user interface feels like the straw that broke the camel’s back here. It didn’t help that the game was buggy as soon as I started – cutscenes stuttered and lagged while the audio files desynced and played on as if nothing was amiss. The worst part is how once the audio file had ended, I still had to sit through the rest of a crooked cutscene until the video had concluded. For that reason, I skipped the story stuff and got straight into the campaign, only to be met with the worst pause menu I’ve ever seen, and I’m not exaggerating. I’ve included a picture of it below so you can see it for yourself.

Even on a PC monitor that’s five inches from your face, there’s no need to jam an entire pause menu into the corner of the screen like that. I haven’t adjusted the ratio of that picture at all, the menu genuinely is that small and lets all of that blank space go to waste. I just don’t understand it as a design decision, it doesn’t even look cool, it’s a nuisance and nothing more. Now, I know I may be more sensitive to this as I have appallingly bad eyesight. I’m a -8 and -8.5, with astigmatism thrown in for good measure, so I know I’m at a disadvantage here already, but that’s why I think a decently sized UI is so important. I wouldn’t mind if the game had the option to make the UI bigger, or more centered, but there’s nothing. Zip, zilch, nada.

They Are Billions continues a long history of games that are severely lacking in accessibility options, though some are bucking that trend. On PC, there are more third-party options available to players, but on console, we get what we’re given. All I’m asking is for some options that let me actually see the game I’m playing properly. I would love to get stuck into this game because it seems really fun – at least, that’s what my friends who can actually see it tell me.

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