
Mario Kart 64 Speedrunner Now Holds All Of Its World Records

A Mario Kart 64 speedrunner is now the world record holder in all 32 of the game's courses, becoming the first to hold them all simultaneously.

Speedrunning is a hugely popular corner of the video game community. A place in which fans of certain games take their skill levels to the absolute limit. Mario games tend to be some of the most popular in the speedrunning community, and the fight to achieve a certain first in Mario Kart 64 has been going on for the past eight years.

The aim by Mario Kart 64's most elite speedrunners has been to hold all 32 of the game's course world records simultaneously. Non-shortcut records on all 16 tracks in both single lap and three-lap races. Eight years on from the start of that controversial battle, and 25 years after Mario Kart 64 first launched, that lofty goal has finally been achieved.

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Dan Burbank became the proud holder of all 32 course records in Mario Kart 64 over the weekend, and still holds all of those records at the time of typing this. A number of those records are tied, some of which Burbank holds with rival speedrunner Matthias Rustemeyer. Rustemeyer has been trying to achieve the elusive 32/32 for years, hitting 31/32 on eight separate occasions.

Rustemeyer may well have beaten Burbank to what must have often felt like the impossible if it wasn't for a group called The Anti-1.000. The group, which once included Burbank, tasked itself with stopping Rustemeyer, or anyone else for that matter, from ever achieving 32/32 simultaneous records. Its members believed doing so would make a mockery of the game. Whenever Rustemeyer declared a new course record, The Anti-1.000 went about breaking it asap.

Burbank would eventually break away from the group and try to get the 32/32 for themselves. The speedrunner even started hiding their new records from rival players, posting them in batches to make it harder for The Anti-1.000 to beat them before they made it to 32. Burbank has since apologized for doing that, and after eight years of battling on both sides, they have become the first to hold all the records all at once. Rustemeyer is yet to react to Burbank's achievement.

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