Marvel’s Avengers launches within the next two weeks, following three consecutive weekend betas. To that end, a launch trailer has been released which sees the Avengers coming back together despite their differences. There’s also the perfunctory “Avengers, assemble” line because of course there is.
As a completely original story, Marvel’s Avengers sees our heroes forsaken by the world after the disaster of A-Day. Several years later, A.I.M. has risen up to cause mayhem. Newly-turned Inhuman Kamala Khan steps up to not only fight back but also bring the Avengers back together.
Marvel’s Avengers is out on September 4th for Xbox One, PS4, PC and Google Stadia with Xbox Series X and PS5 versions coming later this year. As a games-as-a-service title, we’ll see more heroes added over time including Antman, Hawkeye and Spider-Man (but not the same one from Insomniac Games’ blockbuster). Stay tuned for more details on the game in the coming weeks.