
Microsoft Seems To Be Working On Its Own ML-Powered Upscaling Solution Like Nvidia’s DLSS


Microsoft seems to be hiring for developing its own ML-powered upscaling solution for its next-gen games. A couple of job postings for Senior Software Engineer and Principal Software Engineer on Microsoft’s official website states that the Redmond-based giant is hiring key figures for developing a competitive solution to high-resolution upscaling such as the likes of Nvidia’s DLSS, AMD’s FSR, and the Unreal Engine’s TSR.

It’s still not clear whether Microsoft aims to make the technology propreitary to its consoles or not. Assuming that Xbox’s DirectStorage technology is making its way to PCs with Windows 11, it highly likely that the Microsoft-developed upscaling solution would follow suit in a similar vein.

“The Graphics team is seeking passionate developers to help deliver state-of-the-art GPU capabilities on Xbox and Windows for AAA game developers. Join our growing team of talented women and men on our shared mission to ensure that all games run beautifully at the highest resolutions and frame rates,” Microsoft lists on its official website.

It’s still in the early stages of development, thus fans shouldn’t expect it to pop up right away in upcoming games. Its certainly an interesting prospect to speculate on, and it remains to be seen whether Sony makes any moves in the same space or remains content with AMD’s FidelityFX implementation – that is, if it comes to the console at all.

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