
New World: Everything You Need To Know About Woodcutting

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In terms of gathering different resources from the wild of Amazon's New World, Woodcutting (or Logging, as it is sometimes referred to) is the skill that pertains to chopping down trees for various kinds of wood. Players interested in Woodworking, a refining skill revolving around preparing wood for future crafting recipes, will understandably need to level up their Woodcutting to obtain the best materials.

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However, the end products will need an appropriately leveled trade skill, such as Engineering or Furnishing, in order to yield the most-desired goods. With all that being said, one's crafting journey will undoubtedly begin at Woodcutting for players pursuing custom-made armor, weapons, and more, so be sure to pick up a sturdy logging axe and get ready to spend a lot of time in the woods.

Players should also keep in mind that when pursuing their crafting goals, there is more required than just the harvestable resources themselves. One will still need to venture out on quests to loot containers during exploits as there are some secondary crafting materials that can only be found in the many crates, chests, and barrels that spawn around New World.

Woodcutting For Young Trees & Mature Trees

Both of these variations of trees are a fair deal easier to find than the ones that drop higher-tier wood. They both also cannot be tracked via the compass at the top of the player's screen, however, that's a good thing, as these trees are so common that having all of them appear on the compass would simply overcrowd it. For quick and easy leveling, be sure to get a nice logging axe, as there are some that can be bought which will possess passive effects that can greatly speed up the process or yield bonus goods when harvesting.

Young Trees

These are by far the most abundant kind of trees, and players should be able to find countless quantities of them in the low-level areas. Young Trees drop Green Wood, which is the most basic kind of wood in the game and essentially the starting point for every Woodworking crafting recipe. There is no Woodcutting level requirement for chopping down Young Trees, as they are where players will begin their career in forestry.

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Mature Trees

Rarer than Young Trees, though not by a great margin, Mature Trees can be distinguished from their smaller kin due to the size difference, though are usually found in the same areas. When felled, Mature Trees will give the player Aged Wood, the next step up from Green Wood that lets players craft Lumber and more. Players will need to have a Woodcutting skill level of 50 or higher to cut down Mature Trees.

Woodcutting For Wyrdwood & Ironbark Trees

These species of trees will be a fair deal harder to come by than those listed above. This is the result of them dropping higher-tier wood, so the game naturally has to make them less common for the sake of balance. Thankfully, however, they can be tracked after reaching respective level thresholds, which will make finding them considerably easier. Keep in mind that tracking these rarer trees will require leveling up one's Woodcutting skill much higher than what is needed to harvest them, so don't stop experience farming! Being able to passively spot rare sources of materials is something that will always be handy when out and about.

Wyrdwood Trees

The most notable feature of Wyrdwood Trees is that they have light blue speckles and seem to radiate subtle magical energy. These same qualities imply this great breed of plant is connected to the magical resource Azoth, as the containers holding the substance also glow blue with mystical energy. Players can begin harvesting Wyrdwood Trees when their Woodcutting skill level reaches 100, and track these kinds of trees on their compass starting at level 125. After being sundered, Wyrdwood Trees grant gamers Wyrdwood Planks for one's mid-tier Wordworking needs.

Ironwood Trees

Easily the rarest tree in the game so far, Ironwood Trees will need to be identified by the bluish aura around their deep brown trunks. As opposed to the Wyrdwood Trees that are speckled by blue spots, Ironwood Trees almost look as if they have a translucent overshield. Appropriately for the rarest species, Ironwood Trees require the player to have a Woodcutting skill level of 175 before they will yield their goods, and can be tracked with one's compass at level 200. However, when they fall to the lumberjack in question, Ironwood Trees will give the player Ironwood Planks as well as possibly dropping rare secondary crafting materials such as Barbvine and Wildwood, both of which are crucial for crafting the only kind of legendary refined wood in the game: Glittering Ebony.

NEXT: New World: How To Get & Use Azoth

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