
Phasmophobia Fan Has Genius But Hilarious Idea for New Ghost Model

Despite being a small independent game, and despite having only been released just under a year ago, the ghost hunting co-op game Phasmophobia is something of a horror phenomenon, especially for streamers. With the Exposition update being released that adds new ghosts and equipment, it's a labor of love that Kinetic Games is eager to continue building on. While official new content is being added on a regular basis, some of the fans are also keen to offer their two cents, as one person did recently, with humorous results.

In a recent post on the Phasmophobia Subreddit, a fan of the game who goes by the alias tempestwolf1 has shared their opinion on what kind of ghost should be added to the game next. Their suggestion seems intent on adding some humor to the game, rather than just straight-up scares, as their idea is to have a rare ghost encounter that's essentially a person in a white sheet with eyeholes cut in it, which sort of calls to mind an episode of Scooby-Doo.

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While some may not be keen on the idea seeing as the game is supposed to induce scares rather than be something out of a cartoon, many in the thread's comment section agree with the user that this would be a great idea. One person even added that this could be an interesting April Fool's update, while another person has said that others have suggested similar things, which hints at it being a popular idea. Actually hunting for ghosts in Phasmophobia can be tricky as it is, so adding a rare, if humorous, ghost into the mix would probably complicate investigations further, but would ultimately be worth the pay-off.

[Suggestion] Dev should add a rare ghost model that's basically a dude covered in a white bedsheet with eyeholes from

There is certainly a lot of potential for the game, and fans are always keen to have their voice be heard in the hope that the developer will heed their call. There have been numerous ideas that people want to see added to Phasmophobia, such as thermal cameras, some jump scares, backstories for ghosts, and the ability for dead players to interact and scare others. Whether any of these will be implemented is at the studio's discretion.

Not too long ago, Kinetic Games put out a call for some new staff, which shows just how much the game has grown, and continues to do so. Given the rise in the game's popularity, likely brought on by the pandemic which has seen millions confined to their homes, it's not surprising that this one-person outfit has had to branch out to cope with the sheer volume of thrill seekers that log in.

Phasmophobia is available on PC as both a VR and non-VR game.

MORE: Phasmophobia: What is Volumetric Lighting and How to Turn It On

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