
Saints Row Is Getting Massively Ratio’d On YouTube

The debut trailer for the Saints Row Reboot is getting ratio'd on YouTube, with fans seemingly not very happy with the new direction for the game.

The Saints Row reboot was unveiled as one of the biggest announcements during Gamescom's Opening Night Live. The trailer for the game shows a new gang of young characters trying to rule over a new area for the series. Although initial previews of the game are positive, the response from fans has largely been the opposite.

Related: Saints Row Reboot Unveiled, Trailer Shows Radically Different Design

Taking a look at the like-to-dislike ration for any upload of the trailer on YouTube reveals that they're all being ratio'd quite heavily. The official upload from the Saints Row YouTube channel sits at 14,000 dislikes over 11,000 likes. It's the same story for uploads of the trailer across the PlayStation and Xbox channels as well.

Some of the comments on the video reveal how people feel about the game. One YouTuber says, "Get away from my friends" vs 'Get away from my gang' 'crew' literally anything else that doesn't give off cringe vibes", whilst another said, "I guess in this game the characters really are saints, since they look like they would never commit crime in their life.

Pretty much every social media platform is full to the brim of gamers complaining about the new Saints Row and its shift in tone. Everything, from the lack of purple to the game's logo, is being heavily criticised by the fans. Other players have taken to criticising the game's art style, claiming that it looks like the latest season of Fortnite.

Some YouTubers have also released their own videos discussing why they didn't like the Saints Row trailer, with much of the criticism focusing on the fact that the young characters don't seem like gangsters and that the tone has shifted from serious gangbanging to slightly less serious gangbanging, then to aliens, and now to young characters in a blend of it all.

Next: Saints Row Preview – A New Gang, A New Game Engine, And A New City To Take Over

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