
Skate 4 Teaser Trailer Revealed By EA And Full Circle

It wasn't much, but EA and Full Circle today gave us our first official look at Skate 4. Following more than a decade of silence, the beloved Skate franchise is finally set for a massive revival – although we'll need to wait a bit longer to hear about an actual release date or see any real gameplay.

After sending out a notification this weekend, Full Circle – formed in January to work on Skate 4 – today revealed more about its upcoming entry in the series. The team said its number one goal is "not to blow it," as fans have been itching for another Skate game since Skate 3 arrived way back in 2010. We didn't see much, although the trailer shows off a bunch of mo-cap in progress and a few streamers reacting to yet-to-be-revealed gameplay.

RELATED: 5 Things Skate 4 Should Borrow From Tony Hawk Pro Skater

You can check out the first look at Skate 4 below:

While Skate has been missing in action for years, several contenders for its crown recently hit the market. Skater XL used a similar control scheme for tricks – the left and right analog sticks gave one-to-one movement for your feet – but it never saw the mainstream success of EA's popular series. Then there's Session, which is currently in early access, but is garnering positive reviews from most players who go hands-on.

Tony Hawk also saw a revival over the past year – it's a much more "arcadey" experience than Skate, but there's no denying its lasting appeal. There's also the lo-fi world of Skate City, which is a completely different take on the genre.

Skate 4 won't make an appearance at the upcoming EA Play event, but it's great to see the developers stepping forward with something related to Skate. It's been a long wait, and this latest teaser should hopefully make whatever wait is left just a bit more bearable.

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