
Tips To Use Portals Like A Pro – Splitgate

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Splitgate is the hot new FPS game that is taking all platforms by storm – the developers have even announced that they're delaying the full release of the game in hopes of expanding the content available during the current Open Beta.

Related: Splitgate Update Patch Notes, August 19

There are loads of reasons to love this unique blend between Halo and Portal, but if you aren't using the portal mechanics to their fullest, you've leaving a lot on the table both in terms of mobility, and how effectively you can take down foes. Read our five portal tips below and implement them in gameplay to level up your Splitgate skills.

Why Walk?

Walking? Walking is for losers, and people that don't use portals properly. If you ever want to move across the map, or just across a small section, you should probably use a portal. Portals will move you quickly, and will make it much harder for enemies to anticipate your approach. On top of that, you can peek through your own portals in advance to see what's coming up, while enemies won't be able to see you back – though that certainly doesn't mean they can't shoot you…

CCTV Portals

It's still early days for Splitgate, and many players are ignoring mechanics like portals – good for you, honestly. If you're deciding to camp out in a high-up location, and there are a set few points where you're afraid enemies might approach from, you can place a portal at that point, and then another near where you're camping. You can then watch over the battlefield, and use your portal as a CCTV camera, warning you when enemies are approaching – and allowing you to shoot them before they even see you.

Jumping Down, Going Up

Jumping down from a safe vantage point can be risky, but if you really want to get that last shot on a fleeing enemy, it's sometimes your only option. If you don't feel like you can use a portal to warp to your enemy's location, you can instead leave a portal in your high-up vantage point, and then after finishing your enemy, use another portal to return. This is a good way to jump into the action without too much risk.

Momentum Transfer

Portals in this game work very similarly to how they work in, um, Portal. That is, if you go into a Portal with momentum, you will carry that momentum onto the other side. This is best shown by jumping into a portal on the floor from a height, and then shooting out of another. The momentum gained from falling will be transferred directly into forward momentum, giving you a huge burst of speed, allowing you to travel across big distances, and surprise some foes with a nice shotgun blast, if you're so inclined.

Lucky Dip, Take A Shot

If you see an enemy portal, you will not be able to see enemies on the other side of it, which is a shame. If you decide to go through, you'll be throwing caution to the wind, you could find yourself in the midst of a gang. However, if an enemy is using one of the tactics outlined above, and just shooting from a portal, well, there's no reason not to shoot back – you just might hit something. When it comes to enemy portals there's always an element of risk, but that shouldn't scare you off of abusing them.

Next: How Splitgate's Ranking System Works

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