
Spider-Man Still "On Track" To Come To Marvel’s Avengers In 2021

It was always Spider-Man’s dream to join the Avengers. Peter Parker hoped to one day fight alongside his heroes Captain America and Iron Man to make the world a better place. While Spidey did get to live out his dream in the MCU, it’s a whole different case with Marvel’s Avengers by Crystal Dynamics. The webslinger was announced back in August of last year, but we still haven’t seen even a glimpse of him.

As of now, Spider-Man is set to arrive on the PS4 and PS5 version of the game later this year. However, since we haven’t heard anything about him since, fans aren’t too sure if the studio will be introducing the hero anytime soon. But all hope is not lost.

In an interview with ComingSoon, senior game designer Scott Walters said that the introduction of Spider-Man to Marvel’s Avengers is on track. “Right now, our focus is on War for Wakanda. That was our capstone for the roadmap that we shared. We’ll definitely have more news coming forward later,” he said. “As for Spider-Man, we’ve always planned to have that be a 2021 release and we’re still on track for that. We’ll have more announcements later on.”

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Not too much else was revealed by the designer, but it looks like Spidey may yet make it to the game by this year. The rest of the interview was focussed on the game’s War for Wakanda DLC.

When asked about the themes that would be touched upon in the DLC, Walters said, “What really influenced us a lot, especially in our research for the initial story, was this idea of the monarchy and what the future of Wakanda should be. In the most recent two runs of Black Panther, there have been a lot of discussions on whether Wakanda should even be a monarchy. There’s the idea that Wakanda is not just one monolithic thing; people have different ideas of how Wakanda should be run, who should be in power, and that sort of thing.”

Building up to the launch of the DLC on August 17, Crystal Dynamics showed off T’Challa’s Royal Legacy outfit as well as the revamped UI.

NEXT: Marvel's Avengers Is Never Going To Have Its ‘A Realm Reborn’ Moment

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