
Dishonored meets Diablo-like Weird West has been delayed

Dishonored meets Diablo-like Weird West has been delayed

Weird West is the first game from WolfEye, an indie studio led by Arkane founder and Dishonored co-creator Raphaël Colantonio. It’s effectively a blend of Dishonored-style immersive sim mechanics and Diablo-like action RPG controls, and it’s looked impressive every time we’ve seen it. Weird West was initially scheduled to launch in just a few weeks’ time, but the devs have just announced that they’re pushing the game back to the end of March.

“As we were playing our own game, on one hand we realised that the game was really great,” Colantonio says in a message to fans. “On the other hand, we realised it’s not quite ready yet. The game is being tested in a private beta, and they’re having a blast. However, we want to iron out a few things, because we are committed to delivering the best experience. We have a long history of making immersive sims, and we all know how great those games can be when it all comes together.”

Or, as publisher Devolver Digital puts it, the game “needs some wonky moments ironed out”.

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