Ubisoft finally revealed Far Cry 6 to the world, showcasing its gameplay and story along with the role of Dani Rojas. Various details have also gone live courtesy of different publications and websites. We already know that there are different types of weapons from Resolves (makeshift weapons) to Supremos (special backpacks that can do things like fire mortars).
According to WCCF Tech, there are 49 weapons that are fully customizable with silencers, scopes and whatnot. This makes for the largest selection of weapons in the franchise yet. Thankfully, it seems that Ubisoft is also learning some lessons on customization from previous titles. In Far Cry New Dawn, you could craft weapons but not upgrade them afterwards. As lead game designer David Grivel told GameSpot, Far Cry 6 allows for crafting, customizing and upgrading weapons throughout the game rather than being a one-and-done deal.
Furthermore, all of the gear in the game – which fits into slots for the Head, Chest, Hands, Legs and Feet – comes with perks. If you want better headshot damage, equip the marksman’s goggles. Fans of knives can equip gloves that ensure throwing knives never miss their targets. In this way, there are different outfits that will increase mobility and stealth. It’s all about accentuating the way you want to play.
Far Cry 6 is out on October 7th for Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, PS4, PS5, PC and Google Stadia. Stay tuned for more details in the meantime.