
Foreclosed: 10 Details You Missed While Playing

If you love a good cyberpunk thriller adventure with plenty of combat and stealth to boot then Foreclosed might just be for you. You play as Evan Kapnos, a man whose literal identity is foreclosed at the start of the game, who must bypass the system to reclaim himself from the authorities. Foreclosed is very much a linear adventure but that doesn't mean there aren't details that are easy to miss in your exploration of each area.

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Foreclosed features a ton of depth, nuance, and detail. For the eagle-eyed player, there are plenty of tidbits to find around the game world. While most of these are inconsequential, they are still fun to find and they help flesh out the game world narrative overall. Keep your eyes peeled to find these small game details in Foreclosed.

The Hidden Beacons

Foreclosed features some hidden gameplay mechanics that you might just miss when progressing your journey. One of these gameplay details is the hidden beacons. These beacons can be found when an overlay appears on screen with a sort of sensor and green bars guiding you.

It's in your best interests to follow these green bars because they lead you to a beacon that can be hacked. These beacons, once hacked, provide some story information as well as firmware XP for Evan to level up and upgrade his skills.

Environmental Objects In A Battle

This one is incredibly easy to miss when in the heat of battle. Battles here are intense and frantic. You always need to be on the move, shooting, using abilities, and defending. However, eagle-eyed players will notice that in many battle areas are hackable objects such as explodable pipes that can be utilized to take out enemies.

Fortunately, the hacking in Foreclosed is very simple only requiring you to press a few buttons in a combination. This detail isn't explained in the game so you will need to keep an eye out for these objects in battle.

Random Objects Can Be Destroyed For Fun

One of the finer details in Foreclosed is the ability to destroy random objects such as wine glasses and beer bottles just for fun. While this may not be a game detail that fleshes out the narrative in any form or fashion, it's still a gameplay nuance that was programmed by the developers.

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Little touches like this really help with game world immersion, especially in a game like this that features a lot of shootouts. In the bars, clubs, and dance halls, these glasses are strewn about for you to break and explode.

The Hidden Vents

During your time playing Foreclosed you often stumble across vents that can be accessed. These vents typically lead you to your next objective, since this is a mostly linear game experience. However, many of these vents are very hidden, only opened via the simple button pressing hacking mechanic.

These vents often blend in with the environment and can be very easy to pass by. If you find yourself stuck or need to find another route, chances are that there is a vent somewhere that needs to be hacked in order to progress.

Weather Effects For Immersion

Did you know that there are rain and other weather effects in Foreclosed? This immersive detail is very easy to miss because much of your playtime is actually indoors. However, if you take the time to look out of the massive windows in some of the spartan buildings you explore, you'll notice rain pelting the window.

This is a detail that might seem superfluous but it shows that the developers put extra attention into both the interior and exterior areas. Small details like this one are often not noticed by the average person playing the game, however, they help draw you into the game world when you do notice them.

Your Apartment Music Player

This is another small detail right from the start of the game. When Evan wakes up, and after learning about his identity foreclosure, he can roam about his apartment before heading outside. His apartment has many small details that are very easy to miss.

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One such detail is the music player that is tacked onto his wall. This music player seems to be a combination of a touch screen control pad and a traditional wall speaker. Yes, it's a tiny detail, but the music playing out of it makes Evan's home feel more realized overall.

Buy Food From Your Refrigerator

Refrigerators of the future look incredibly overwhelming, at least if Foreclosed's future is to be believed. In Evan's apartment lies a fairly large refrigerator on the ground floor. The best part of this refrigerator in-game is that you can actually walk up to it and interact with it.

Interacting with this refrigerator doesn't do much to enhance gameplay or flesh out the story, however, it does mean you can press a few buttons to buy something or take something from it to start your day off healthy and right. Small details like this make the game world feel truly lived in.

Cameras Are Always Watching You

This may come as no surprise, given the context of the game world and story here in Foreclosed, but there are always cameras watching you. Even at the start of the game when Evan is leaving his house, cameras both inside and right outside his house are monitoring him. This is undoubtedly a creepy detail and makes this world feel more oppressive.

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As you continue your adventure you will notice little cut scenes that show Evan being watched on camera as he moves about the city and buildings. What's most interesting is that you often can't see the cameras from your perspective as a player.

Invisible Walls Have An In-Game Explanation

Many games feature invisible walls that stop you from exploring past the point the developers want you to see in the game. Often these invisible walls completely break immersion since you can typically see beyond them all the same. However, Foreclosed takes a different approach and provides an in-game explantation.

Since Evan is now having his identity foreclosed, this means he can only roam about specific parts of the city. When he gets too close to an invisible wall, a red logo banner pops up letting him know that he no longer is authorized past that certain point. It's a clever take on the invisible wall that most games have.

Evan Can't Use Vending Machines

One of the best, yet most simple details in Foreclosed are the various vending machines that Evan can stumble across. Since his identity is in the process of being shut down, unless he meets a court date, he can't access many of the city's amenities, including vending machines near the start of the game.

Once you approach a group of them, you are met with an "unauthorized to use" sign meaning that Evan is completely out of luck now that his identity has been taken away. It's a scary thought that leads to the overarching point that the people of this city are indeed controlled.

NEXT: Fight For Your Identity In Cyberpunk Action Shooter Foreclosed

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