
How To Unlock All Endings In Metro Exodus

Although Metro Exodus isn't a giant RPG with many branching endings, the developers did decide to include two separate endings that you can earn depending on your actions during the main story. There are also two endings in the Sam's Story DLC, which is an expansion pack that details Sam's journey after the main plot.

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The two endings to the main story differ a lot, and you may want to get the most satisfying ending possible. Here are the two different endings for both the main story and Sam's Story, and how to unlock all of them. Spoilers ahead!

How To Get The Good Ending

Unlike many other games that use dialogue choices throughout the story to determine your ending, Metro Exodus takes a different approach by allowing the actions you take within the game to decide what happens to the main character, Artyom.

To get the good ending, you have to keep two out of three of your traveling companions with your group and keep them alive throughout the entire plot, which is easier said than done if you don't know how to go about it.

The three characters that this rule applies to are Damir, Alyosha, and Duke. Whether two of these characters are present in the last few scenes determines whether Artyom is still alive at the end of the game.

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How To Get The Bad Ending

The bad ending in Metro Exodus isn't desirable for most players; however, you may want to replay the game and get a different ending than last time. You can unlock the bad ending very easily; all you have to do is allow two out of three of the following characters to die; Damir, Alyosha, and Duke.

If two of these characters aren't present at the end of the storyline, then Artyom will die in the last few scenes because he requires a blood transfusion, and nobody can give him blood. During this ending, Artyom will enter a train where he meets a few friends, and then he passes away.

How To Keep Alyosha Alive

Making sure that Alyosha lives isn't too difficult; however, it does require patience because you can't get detected by any of the enemies during certain parts of the Taiga chapter, and you have to silently stun all of the enemies that you come across. You can't kill any of the enemies, which makes this challenging if you don't enjoy using stealth.

Additionally, you also have to free the prisoners as you progress through the level. After completing these tasks, Olga will appear and allow Alyosha, along with Artyom, to leave the forest.

How To Keep Duke Alive

Duke is tricky to save while playing through the Volga chapter, but this challenge won't be too difficult if you're capable of using stealth to your advantage. There are a few specific objectives that you have to meet, with three in total.

  • At the beginning of the chapter, you'll have to escape from the church. During this sequence, you need to escape without using lethal force or being spotted by any enemies.

    • If you aren't skilled in stealth gameplay, then the best way to approach this challenge is by taking it slow and you should be willing to retry if you accidentally get spotted.
  • Secondly, you'll have to enter the getaway boat without using lethal force, so you have to stun the enemies while taking the boat.

    • This is potentially challenging, but it's a short sequence, so it shouldn't be too difficult to complete after a few tries.
  • The final necessary step you have to take to keep Duke alive is to meet with the cult leader, Silantius, without being spotted by his soldiers.

    • This is the hardest part of this challenge, especially since this level is so long. Stunning enemies that you encounter on this mission is the most important tip to remember.

How To Get Damir To Join Artyom

Damir is the final companion you have to get to join you to get the good ending, although helping him isn't as challenging as the other two characters. This challenge takes place during the Caspian Sea chapter.

You have to use non-lethal force in this chapter for Damir to be willing to join Artyom, furthering the ideas from the other two chapters. Additionally, you can complete side missions within this chapter that will increase the chance of Damir taking an interest in Artyom and his group. Most of these missions revolve around saving slaves from the Baron.

The most important action that you need to take during the Caspian Sea chapter is recovering the picture of Giul's father while in the bunker and returning it to her, which will make Damir join your group, and allows him to be present during the ending scene.

How To Get Every Ending In The Sam's Story DLC

Sam's Story details the journey of Sam after the main plot of Metro Exodus has been completed. Although this DLC isn't nearly as big as the main game, it still has two endings to offer that are granted to you based on your actions taken during the expansion pack. The endings in Sam's Story aren't as simple as the main plot, and they require a choice as opposed to actions taken during gameplay.

  • To get The Captain's Ending, you'll need to blow up the submarine at the end of the story. This will destroy Sam's chance to return to the United States, potentially forever. However, it will stop Tom from taking full control of the submarine, and it also destroys the nuclear weapons aboard.
  • To get Tom's Ending, you'll have to decide not to destroy the submarine. In this ending, Tom gets full access to the submarine, and its full capabilities, which grants him access to nuclear weapons. Sam also gets what he wants with this ending, as Tom takes him to San Francisco in the submarine.

NEXT: Metro Exodus: The Best Mods

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