
Minecraft Players Are Using Cow Surfing To Get Around

Minecraft isn't really a game about getting anywhere fast. It's more about slowly meandering your way through a cubist's dream or delving deeper and deeper into their nightmares, but neither of those journeys is particularly fast. It's mostly a lot of walking, digging, and the occasional explosion.

However, one Reddit user has discovered a new method of transportation that might soon become the gold standard in Minecraft. It's called cow surfing, and it involves a boat, some wheat, and a whole lot of cows.

Reddit user oaleksander posted this video to the Minecraft subreddit where it quickly blew up to over 50k upvotes. Their process is simple: create a flat plane with hundreds of cows, build a single concrete block to serve as a launch pier, place your canoe atop that pier, and then equip a bundle of wheat. Then push yourself off into the great bespeckled sea of cows.

Because oaleksander is holding wheat, the cows are all extremely attracted to whatever they're doing. This causes them to bunch up beneath the ship and lets the boat surf atop hundreds of cows.

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There are, of course, limitations to cow surfing. You can get a pretty good clip over short distances, but you'll soon run out of cows to surf if you paddle too fast for too long. Also, your mode of transportation requires lots and LOTS of cows, so it’s really only useful for custom maps.

Just came up with a new way of transportation… kind of. from

Still, cow surfing is the fastest we’ve seen anybody move in Minecraft and still survive the journey, so maybe oaleksander is onto something.

In other Minecraft news, we have another Minecraft video courtesy of Avocado Animations that shows the origins of Creepers. It involves a witches cauldron, a potion of eternal life, an accidental addition of gunpowder, and a pig's head. Add it all together and you get something truly horrifying that seems more in line with South Korea's R-rating for Minecraft than North America's G-rating.

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