
Mr. Blackhole Boss Guide – No More Heroes 3

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No More Heroes 3 has a lot of enemies to defeat, but most of them are pretty forgettable. The only real challenges – and truly memorable opponents – are the boss enemies, the alien "superheroes" that have invaded Santa Destroy.

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In this guide we're breaking down the first big boss, Mr. Blackhole. You meet Mr. Blackhole early on as Travis gets sucked into another assassination ranking system, and although he's a friendly enough chap, he's in the way. Travis must strike him down, and here's what to expect.

First Phase


Mr. Blackhole starts out simply enough. When he's stood still he'll slowly swing for Travis or use a large circular AoE attack, which you must dodge away from. When he disappears he'll either be sending beams after you – very easy to dodge by running around the stage – or he'll make his fists appear from portals to attack you. You can always attack the last fist hanging out of the portal. He will reappear by dropping from the sky to attack. Keep dodging and swinging, and you'll take the yellow portion of his health away.

Second Phase


Once Mr. Blackhole's yellow health is gone, he'll use mostly the same attack patterns as before, but there there will be black holes on the ground, which will suck you in and do a fair amount of damage. These are very annoying to deal with, so if Mr. Blackhole is stood in one, just keep your distance. Stay the course, and you'll take down his health bar.

Black Hole Phase


Once his health bar is down, it'll seem like Mr. Blackhole is dead, but now quite yet. Instead you'll be absorbed into his world filled with black holes on the ground, just like during your fight. Instead, these are teleporters that will not damage you. Go into the black hole which Jeane walks towards, or if Jeane is sleeping, simply take a good guess and remember your choices. If you pick the wrong path, you may get attacked, so be prepared to dodge after each black hole. This will lead you to where Mr. Blackhole is hiding.

Full Armor Travis Phase


Once you've found Mr. Blackhole once more, it's time for the final showdown. Travis will be able to summon his Full Armor Travis form, which completely changes how the game plays. Move the cursor to highlight projectiles and weakpoints, and then use ZR to fire a volley, then use Hyper Megadeath Particle Cannon with ZL on Mr. Blackhole's head whenever you have the chance for huge damage. You can also boost to avoid attacks with L.

This is a big change from how combat usually works, but it's also far more straightforward. Keep moving to avoid attacks while firing your weapons as often as possible. The ZL cannon attack is where you'll find most of the damage you want to use – just aim it squarely at Mr. Blackhole's head and you'll be fine after two or three shots. And that's it, with that, Mr. Blackhole is finally done for.

Next: No More Heroes 3 Review Round Up

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