
Naraka: Bladepoint review – sharpen up

Naraka: Bladepoint review – sharpen up

In my experience, combat in Naraka: Bladepoint typically goes one of two ways.

In the first instance I take my time getting a read on my opponent's weapons and fighting style, only committing wholeheartedly to the engagement when I feel I have their number. Whenever they land a strike they go for the basic LMB combo, which culminates in a telegraphed 'focus' attack that's easy to counter – they've tried it a couple of times already so I'm confident I can tempt them into it if I hang around in the pocket. Sure enough, they get two quick slashes in and then light up blue, signalling the combo finisher is coming. I parry, punish, and then stun-lock them with my own combo. It's beautiful. Minutes of tentative give and take, capped with a brutal, calculated flurry.

In the second instance I hear a grappling hook reeling in before I'm sent flying. Rather than landing a few feet away and dusting myself off, I remain on my side, suspended in the air while a half-naked beefcake buffets me around like a seal cub in the jaws of a killer whale.

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