
Nine Inch Nails Guitarist Working on Cosmic Horror Game

Two key figures of the gaming and music industry are teaming up to open their own game studio. The first is Cory Davis, a veteran game designer and the creative director of the critically acclaimed Spec Ops: The Line. The second figure is Nine Inch Nails guitarist Robin Finck, who began composing for video games in 2014. These two would become the founders of their new studio, EYES OUT, announcing a new game as well.

There have been many games under Davis' belt, Spec Ops: The Line being one of them. Spec Ops: The Line's heavy and uncomfortable single-player narrative explores the deconstruction of many military third-person shooter games, which was praised by many gamers. His other games include other franchises like F.E.A.R. and Condemned. On the other hand, Finck's notable gaming composition credits includes the dark and ambient NOCT from Devolver Digital and Observation by No Code.

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EYES OUT is a new Los Angeles game studio that is billed to specialize in dark, atmospheric, and environmental horror storytelling. A brief video was uploaded to the company's YouTube channel, giving a distinct surreal atmosphere regarding what games it's developing through its music and visuals. The team's first game is a single-player cosmic horror affair that emphasizes the company's core narrative elements. This new project also aims to use the combination of audio and visuals to create immersive experiences for the players.

According to both founders, they had met after Davis was finishing his work on the VR Horror game Here They Lie. The two had hit it off and were working on a few prototypes that managed to synergize between the two creators really well. Finck had praise for Davis too, where he also mentioned that the two had very similar tastes and connections regarding music and games. "He’s rare. Weird, even. We connected about films and games and music and all the minutia and it was a really positive charge colliding with him. We have a simpatico work ethic and drive, and we see each other soul to soul. Our play together is inspired," said Finck.

According to its website, more news regarding this new project will be revealed in the coming months. With Cory Davis' previous creative experience in Spec Ops: The Line and Robin Finck's compositions, many fans seem excited about this new studio's release.

A new game by EYES OUT is in development.

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Source: EYES OUT

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