
Tribes Of Midgard: 10 Tips For Survival Mode | Game Rant

Tribes of Midgard has two modes that players can take on: saga and survival. Most players will start the game by playing the saga mode, in which players attempt to survive on a day-by-day basis. There are quests to complete and rewards to be given.

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Survival mode, while similar to saga mode, differs slightly. Survival mode is the customizable game mode that allows players to get a better chance at surviving Ragnarok. Players can adjust the difficulty how they see fit and must survive year by year. Each year has summer and winter seasons and each year players survive, the harder it gets. It's not easy, but these tips can help players make it through.

10 Fine-Tune Your Experience

There is no denying that saga mode can get a little overwhelming. Players have to contend with a ton of different tasks all at once while winter quickly approaches. Survival mode allows players to customize their experience by altering everything about it.

Players can make it extremely hard on themselves or make it very easy. The map size can be changed, along with the enemy difficulty and what resources are lost when players die. Just keep in mind that the easier a player makes the experience, the less XP they will receive in the end.

9 Take Time To Explore

In saga mode, players are pressed for time. Ragnarok happens quickly, and players will soon find themselves stuck out in the cold. Survival mode, on the other hand, gives players more time to gather the resources they need for survival.

Take time to explore the map and gather resources from all sources. Remember that survival mode is based on years. There will be both summer and winter months, which each offer different resources.

8 Upgrade Villagers First

There are a bunch of upgrades that players can utilize in Tribes of Midgard, from the villagers to the defenses. It is best to start off the game by upgrading the various villagers. There are a total of four that can be upgraded: the blacksmith, the trapper, the tinker, and the armorsmith.

Each of these villagers is essential to helping players survive. The Tinker is perhaps the best to start with because they allow the players to get better building materials. These building materials can then be used to build up defenses around the village. The blacksmith is also important to help the players deal more damage thanks to upgraded weapons.

7 Use The War Chest

The war chest is one of the most useful tools in both survival and saga mode. This chest is the only way that players can avoid losing all of their hard-earned resources when they die. Items stored in this chest are also shared across all players when playing in multiplayer.

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The only time items players will need to take items out of the chest is when they upgrade the areas outside the village. This tool should not be ignored and should be used in any game mode, especially when playing with friends.

6 Build Up Defenses

The survival mode has players going through year after year of non-stop attacks from Helthings. One of the most important things gamers can do to help them survive is to upgrade the village's defenses. This includes the gates and guard towers.

The gates will help stop enemies from being able to get into the town, while the guard towers will shoot arrows at the Helthings. Guard towers can also be filled with different arrow types to help them deal more damage. These defenses should always be utilized, but they are not needed immediately. Build them up over time.

5 Get Better Armor

Armor is even more important in survival mode than it is in saga mode, because of how winter arrives time and time again. Survival mode goes through multiple seasons of both summer and winter. Because of the amount of time players will spend in the game mode, they will experience freezing cold and unbearable heat.

It is important to dress for the occasion and not get caught outside in armor that will ultimately get players hurt. The last thing any player wants is to freeze to death in the wintertime.

4 Blood Moon

The blood moon is tough to survive after a while, but players will get a reprieve the night after one. Like in saga mode, survival players will get a night off from constant Helthings attacking their base after the blood moon.

Players need to take this time to gather as many materials as they can, knowing that they can use the night to their advantage. Those who take advantage of this time can really increase the number of resources their tribe has.

3 Search For Shrines

Shrines are an all-important tool that players will want to get in order to fast travel. At the beginning, players will be able to fast travel back to their village. After a while, they will come across shrines that are scattered throughout the map. These shrines, once activated, will allow players to travel back and forth from their village with ease.

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It is important to activate as many of these shrines as possible so players can return to previous locations without running for a long time. With night fast approaching, players won't want to get caught outside of their village.

2 Deal With Jotuns

Like in saga mode, players will need to deal with Jotuns in survival mode. Many players agree that there is a special way to deal with these Jotuns: take them out from a distance.

Once a Jotun spawns, travel the distance and attack the Jotun until it is down to only a few thousand health. Players should then wait until the Jotun is close to the base to take out the rest of its health. This will give players more time until the next Jotun spawns, meaning they have less to worry about.

1 Remember To Take Breaks

This is an extremely important tip, especially if a player is going for the 100-day survival challenge. Survival can go on for an extremely long time and feel monotonous after a while.

It is important to take breaks every now and then to make sure that players aren't getting tired and forgetful. Some players end up forgetting to do simple tasks after a while, and it is always important to keep a fresh mind.

NEXT: Tribes Of Midgard: Tips For Killing Giants

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