
Barren Badlands Alternate Routes, Day And Night – New Pokemon Snap

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New Pokemon Snap's big new update has revitalised this game for me personally already, as I'm diving back in and beating my previous Photodex scores as much as I can. Nothing can get me enthused about a game like a free content update, and New Pokemon Snap's new stages are perfect.

Related: New Pokemon Snap: How To Shrink And Enter The Secret Side Path Stage

One of those new stages is the Barren Badlands, which is not quite as barren as it sounds on the surface. There are plenty of Pokemon to photograph here, and you don't want to miss out on the creatures you can find down the alternate routes in the Barren Badlands. Down these paths you'll find new views of Pokemon you've seen, and some that you can't find anywhere else. Just follow our instructions down below to get a full view of every alternate route in the Barren Badlands.

Barren Badlands Day Alternate Routes – New Pokemon Snap

There is only one alternate route to be found in Barren Badlands Day, but it's well worth taking.

Using The Geyser, Knocking Down The Boulder – Research Level 2

As you enter the Barren Badlands, you should notice to your right a large boulder precariously perched over a geyser. If you hit the Crystalbloom to the right of the boulder with an Illumina Orb, it will topple over.

Hitting the Crystalbloom in Research Level 1 won't result in much, but in Research Level 2 it will block the geyser, allowing you to travel over to the other body of water to the left, and use that to reach higher areas.

This route is great for getting pictures of various flying Pokemon, and those that live high up on cliffs.

Barren Badlands Night Alternate Routes – New Pokemon Snap

The route for Barren Badlands Night is pretty much the same thing, but it's much more complicated to access without daylight. Here's how it's done…

Using The Geyser, Rounding Up Diglett – Research Level 2

You once again have to knock the boulder down into the geyser, but this time lighting up the Crystalbloom by itself will do absolutely nothing. First, you need to round up at least three Digleet.

As you enter the stage you'll be able to see Diglett rustling around underground, with dirt trails flying out behind them. Hit a Diglett with an Illumina Orb while it's underground, and it'll pop out, before running away. You need to do this to at least three Diglett, though four is always a nice round number, and easy enough to achieve. Use the Scan function to help you find them in the ground.

Once you've got the Diglett troupe activated, they'll be waiting near the Crystalbloom from before. Hit it with an Illumina Orb, and the Diglett team will spring into action, knocking over the boulder themselves. Now you can access the path to the left of the boulder, just as with the day variant of this stage.

You'll need to act fast and round up the Diglett before approaching the boulder, but if you're successful this is a great alternate route to take.

Next: New Pokemon Snap: How To Find Every New Pokemon In Barren Badlands

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