
Changes That Pokemon Unite Needs to Make | Game Rant

Pokemon Unite has already had some incredible success, though the popularity of the game is somewhat expected. MOBAs continue to have large fanbases throughout the gaming community, and the game dove into the genre with the Pokemon franchise’s decades worth of fans in close pursuit. But as the game finds its footing and countless players clock even more hour, there are some noticeable changes that it needs.

In contrast to other titles in a similar vein, there isn’t anything too substantial that Pokemon Unite currently seems to be missing, but as it ages it will need to fill out some of its gaps. Some important quality of life changes to keep players engaged and feeling like their time and voices matter are as follows.

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For starters, the MOBAs HUD could use a little TLC in the coming months. While the current approach takes a much-needed break from the style that games like League of Legends use, it could still be rounded out. League’s team score correlates to the total kills that each side has gotten, and while that is important it's not what wins games. Similarly, KO’ing opposing Pokemon in Pokemon Unite does not win the game, so there is no real reason to feature the teams' scores that way.

However, Pokemon Unite’s gameplay focuses on the scoring mechanics that are used in the top and bottom path. Instead of destroying enemy towers to reach the opponent's base like players would in other MOBAs they need to rack up points to destroy the two goal zones that a path uses. Getting the points necessary is as simple as ad clearing and dunking, but keeping track of points on the scoreboard is difficult at best.

This is because Pokemon Unite hides the team’s score from players throughout the match. Some players have pointed to this as a method to discourage flaming and toxic behavior, something that can be rampant in gaming spaces, but it has a detrimental effect inside of ranked matches. The absence of a team score can affect how players view the match and alter their priorities. For quick and standard matches this is not too much of a problem, as the game is about having fun and it provides a ton of it. For ranked matches, however, it can affect decision making and players' Pokemon Unite ranks.

The remedy is as simple as incorporating a team score so players know where they stand throughout the match. It would allow people to make informed decisions on whether team fights are necessary or if more strategic play has to be done on the path to score some more points. It is not necessary for other modes and it does not have to include individual players' scores, but it would help with visualizing just how much a team really is struggling in the game.

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As Pokemon Unite continues to evolve, it should also add a quick ping system. A ping system would make communication a bit easier for players in any mode. While PC MOBA players have easy access to text chat and peripheral programs like Discord the Nintendo Switch does not prioritize communication in the same way. For many games this is fine, but the lack of easy communication becomes noticeable with games like Pokemon Unite.

Team-based games thrive on communication and they can be a great way to build communities and make future friends. While a Discord app or text chat is likely too much for either the Switch or Pokemon Unite, for several reasons including the continuous possibility of flaming, a quick ping would be incredibly helpful. A simple bind to something like a joystick click could let players communicate that they might need specific assistance or alert that an enemy is in proximity.

Other games have found ways to work something similar in. Apex Legends has been praised by many for its rather in-depth ping system. Pokemon Unite does not have to be as extensive as Apex, but something is better than nothing.

The game could also benefit from a role queue or turn-based character selection in its ranked mode. Many other competitive games use similar systems, and they're extremely popular with high-level players from Overwatch to Rainbow Six: Siege. While both would be ideal for the game, with its alternative style compared to other MOBAs, only one might be necessary. But either could facilitate better team building and helping people to play the characters they want.

Currently, choosing a Pokemon feels like a mad dash. The screen loads in and players need to choose who they would like to be before anyone else picks them. This can lead to teams stacked without support as well as players utilizing characters they are completely unfamiliar with. A character selection stage that goes by turn would at least allow people to think through alternative choices if their favorite Pokemon isn’t available.

A role queue would help to take this a step further, allowing players to queue for a role so they can expect certain characters to be available. All Pokemon Unite battle types are defined fairly well, and with ample Pokemon to choose from, the roles won’t necessarily be locked into one character choice either.

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Pokemon Unite could also use some adjustments on its late gameplay. While Zapdos is one of the great uses of Legendary Pokemon from the series, its ability to completely change a match in the final seconds is a bit too dramatic. This is fault is not solely the Pokemon’s to bear, though.

While team play and strategy are going to be major things that players point to for the effectiveness of getting Zapdos, or stealing it, the way the game changes in its final seconds is where a lot of its impact comes from. Zapdos only spawns in the last two minutes of a match. During this time points scored are doubled and the stakes are even higher.

While the score increase in the final two minutes is a major incentive not to give up when players feel down, its combination with Zapdos is a little much. When the Pokemon’s buffs and the points awarded to the team that takes it are combined, Zapdos can have a drastic effect on the game. Nerfing how many points it delivers or not having the score multiplier in the final two minutes of the game apply to Zapdos could keep the Legendary Pokemon impactful without making early efforts feel null. This will likely be where balancing in Pokemon Unite struggles for a while, as the game tries to toe the line of keeping snowballing manageable while also still making early plays impactful.

Outside of gameplay, Pokemon Unite should also touch on its characters’ cosmetic options. There is an abundant amount of clothes for trainers to get with Fashion Tickets, but players don’t see their avatars a lot. Pokemon, on the other hand, are lacking in options.

Since the game has only just launched, this is understandable. But as time goes on it should look to other Pokemon titles, like Pokemon GO, for costume inspiration. Pokemon GO has done a great job of providing different looks to Pokemon for events and holidays. Pokemon Unite should take a similar approach in future updates.

But a more immediate cosmetic fix should also be incorporated. Something that many players were probably hoping for, and would still like to see, are shiny skins or holowear for Pokemon. Shiny Pokemon have been coveted in Pokemon games for years. They’re rare and their unique coloring can make the pallets in Pokemon pop.

Adding shiny Pokemon skins would be a great way for players to customize their Pokemon and keep things in the game visually fun. This could be extended to NPCs and maybe even shiny Corphish could spawn in future matches. But just like the quality-of-life changes, something like shiny skins and new holowear are going to be a ways off. Pokemon Unite has only been out for a couple of weeks and has a lot of time to grow in the coming months and years. Hopefully, as it expands, some of these topics will be addressed.

Pokemon Unite is available now on Switch and later on Mobile.

MORE: Pokemon Unite Explained: How it Fits in the Franchise, and What You Need To Know

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