
Skyrim Fans Share Clever Wedding Idea

Nearly ten years after its original release, The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim remains as popular as ever. Created by Bethesda Softworks and praised for its open design, sprawling world, and role-playing possibilities, Skyrim is now playable on essentially every major gaming platform available.

With such popularity comes a passionate fanbase, and Skyrim players are certainly proud to share their adoration for the title. From a multitude of mods to incredible Skyrim fan art, the Elder Scrolls community loves to come up with creative ideas to celebrate the classic RPG, and one idea in particular might just be the most clever yet.

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Reddit user ElvenPrincess97 and their partner have come up with a wonderful way to share their fondness for the fifth Elder Scrolls title. They used the various cities from Skyrim and used their names as the table arrangement at their wedding. With places like Riften, Whiterun, Dawnstar, and Solitude all included, ElvenPrincess97 and their spouse clearly have a ton of appreciation for the northern province.

Got married a few days ago, we named our tables after Skyrim cities! from

The post has become a hit with the Reddit Skyrim community. The idea has earned over three thousand upvotes and more than 150 comments as of writing. Other Reddit users and Skyrim fanatics are praising the novel idea and wishing they thought of it for their own weddings. Some Subreddit members are poking fun at the idea of single guests sitting at the “Solitude” table, too.

Skyrim’s astounding longevity may surprise some, but there is simply something about its vast Nordic world and dynamic approach to content that continues to enthrall fans, even many years after its release. There’s more Skyrim coming soon, too, with the next-generation Skyrim: Anniversary Edition releasing for the game’s tenth birthday this November. With the game now being released across three console generations, it is clear just how special Bethesda's RPG is.

Skyrim isn’t the only title to find life over three full console generations, either. Rockstar Games’ Grand Theft Auto 5 also has a next-gen version incoming, too, titled the Expanded and Enhanced edition. The new GTA 5 update hasn’t been well received, however, with the GTA 5 PS5 and Xbox Series trailers being downvote bombed by angry fans who’d much rather have GTA 6, which is yet to be announced. The Elder Scrolls 6 could find itself in a similar position, as it was revealed back in 2018 and little further information has been teased since. Until news comes, dedicated fans like ElvenPrincess97 will just have to keep playing Skyrim.

The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim is available on PC, Switch, PS4, and Xbox One.

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