
Torn Banner Statement Opposes Tripwire President’s Anti-Abortion Stance

Torn Banner Studios has issued a statement making clear it opposes the anti-abortion tweet published by Tripwire's president over the weekend.

Tripwire president John Gibson issued a statement via Twitter over the weekend, making his support for a recent ruling made by the US Supreme Court public. Gibson tweeted he is "proud" of Texas lawmakers banning abortion for women who have been pregnant longer than six weeks. The public and controversial stance has understandably generated a lot of opposition and backlash online, especially as Gibson added that he "doesn't get political often" but felt strongly enough on this issue to speak up.

Not just from Gibson's followers and those who play Tripwire's games, but also from some of the studios working with the developer. Torn Banner is the latest studio to speak out against Gibson's comments and support for the law change, issuing its own statement on Twitter late on Sunday night.

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“We do not share the opinion expressed in a recent tweet by the president of Tripwire,” Torn Banner's tweet reads. “The statement stands in opposition to what we believe about women’s rights.” Torn Banner is the developer of Chivalry 2, while Tripwire is the game's publisher, potentially causing an awkward rift between the two companies that have evidently been working together very closely up until this point.

Torn Banner is the second studio connected to Tripwire in as many days to publicly speak out against Gibson's anti-abortion comments. Shipwright Studios has actually gone a step further than Torn Banner, stating its intent to cut ties with Tripwire due to the controversial viewpoint shared by its president. Shipwright doesn't create games, but assists developers in helping them to avoid crunch and aided both Tripwire and Torn Banner in the creation of Chivalry 2.

The coming days may be very telling for Gibson, Tripwire, and all of the studios it is currently working with. Following the statements made by Shipwright and Torn Banner opposing what was said by the publisher's president, others may follow suit and do the same. Tripwire has worked with Blindside Interactive, Saber Interactive, and Hardsuit Labs on other projects recently.

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